Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Oh Snap! Shhhhhh...It's the SBBB---aka Spring Break Blog Bonus....

For an  extra 100 points!!!! You have until Sunday night to do this.

Yep, Master P has struck again.  

All this requires is one response to the question AND to someone else.

So far from our discussions and in class, what would be 1-2 things that you have learned up until now that you didn't realize or know about American Government/Politics? How has this changed your line of thinking?


  1. From our discussions in class, I have learned the logistics of federalism, and how and why political socialization is paramount to the future of the United States. With federalism, I have learned how and why the constitution was written the way it was and why the Founding Fathers wrote it in a manner to try prevent a tyrannous central government. I've also learned how the States compete for powers through the use of the 10th amendment but they are still subjective to the central government through the use of the 14th amendment.
    With political socialization, I've learned that people only feel a certain way to certain issues simply because of the what they were taught and showed as they've grown up. The family is the biggest influencing force of any individual, then come the schools and the media, and so on. Learning and going into depth about these things certainly gives me some insight into why things work the way they do and why politics can be difficult and frustrating.

    1. Oh yes how could i forget that this class has taught me how politics can be so frustrating once you actually find out how many of the laws get passed and how difficult it is to actually get a law passed.

  2. I've learned about the term federalism and how it works, I've also learned about both the terms hyperpluralism theory and the pluralism theory.

  3. From our discussions is class, I learned about how much lobbyist and money funnel through our politics. It has helped me understand why NOTHING GETS DONE ANYMORE!!! This has help me justify me belief that America revolves around one thing..... THE DOLLAR!!!!

    1. In the end money buys power. However, just because groups and or people bribe others doesn't mean that what they want will get done. That leads to nothing getting done.

    2. I totally agree with jairo, the whole united states revolves only around curren$y, and im not talking about the rapper. Money is what's really ruling this nation. Money makes the world go round!

    3. I agree with Jairo, everything revolves around money. If you have it good, if not too bad.

    4. i also agree with jairo, because with money comes power and influence. Money shows power, power that can make things happen and cause certain things in politics and also in the government. Factions and lobbyists are the main problem to the whole governmental system.

    5. Yup, I understand that politicians are there to represent the people and listen to what citizens say but the fact that they listen to lobbyists only for money, not the actual concept they're pushing makes me realize that money talks, and it gets things done

    6. I think everyone can agree on this one. Things go not get done as they say. The politicians really hear but don't listen they do their way.

  4. When I entered this class I thought the government didn't hide as many things behind our back. From last week and this weeks discussions I've learned about how many interest groups bribe to get laws passed (lobbying). In U.S history we discussed Democrats and Republicans but not into the depth as we have. I now understand the differences and how they affect laws when they are trying to get passed. Never did I think of how many interest groups wore out there there is almost one for everything and anything. This class informs me more about what goes on in the government and has shown me that politics are quite complex as well as the passing of laws and I'm learning more and more everyday about our government.

    1. I agree with you because they are actually buying the vote

    2. I agree, this class definitely brings some insight and blows the whistle on some things being done behind the backs of Americans. The class elaborates on how things get done in the United States and how difficult they are to get done, because, well, you're making policies and rules that millions of people will agree with, disagree with, retaliate against, ignore, etc.

  5. From our discussion I learned that money gets people's votes and that they don't care if the idea/ law they are going to pass is going to benefit the country they just care about passing the things they think is right.

    1. I agree with you and what you said about money buying votes. Unfortunately, money has taken control over everything and everyone in politics and the people in America are left to suffer the consequences.

    2. I agree with you it's just shameful how money can buy votes. Unfortunately, it's a reality money has more power than anything in politics.

    3. Yarely I agree with you, money can buy votes. Some people just don't care if the law is going to benefit the county like you said.

    4. I agree with you that money does buy votes because all people care about is to see things happen but in reality they don't check if its gonna work. in politics, money is always gonna caught peoples attention.


    5. yeah i still can't beleave that they would do such a thing i mean what type of democracy runs in legal brivery...its sad on the real

  6. From our discussions in class, I've went through some deep thought. I questioned myself this," How did we let a single piece of paper control out thoughts?" the paper being money of course. The amount of money flowing through our politics is ridiculous. The way people with high power can be manipulated and used as rag dolls and puppets is just plain outright stupid. this is why nothing changes in america or gets done. we need to open our eyes and see that and go with whats really right.

    1. I agree with Damian because with the money they offer, the higher power basiclly has people wrapped around thier fingers. People care much more about the money than they do about the laws and and other important matters.

  7. From our discussion in class I have learned how the electoral college plays a huge role in the election process. It made me realize that even though a candidate may have the popular vote, they can still lose the campaign due to the electoral college.

    1. I agree. I never understood the process of electoral votes even though I knew popular vote was not what mattered in the end.

    2. I agree with you, because before I would get so confused with the whole majority vote thing, but now I understand it and I know how it works.

  8. So far from our disscussions in class I've learned the manipulative ways of most canidates. Whether they spends millions on advertisment through news and media or basically use money as a source of bribery to get votes or to get people to do what they want. I find it crazy how we don't even notice what the canidate brings to the table but once money amount is involved it's a different story. It just goes to show how blinded people are by money and even when dealing with things that affect them, they still proceed to fall into bribery.

  9. From our discussions in class i thought the government was a little corrupted, but now i am starting to see just how corrupted the system is. I always wondered why it took more than a year for a bill to pass, now i know that its due to lobbyists selfish wants and needs and that causes politics to so corrupt plus why so many fractions have started to form. I guess Money does make the world go round.....and how money is root of all evil.

    1. I agree, it seems that the only matter of importance is profit made by politicians and big corporations. I think it's pretty sad that a dollar bill has more of a say than a human voice.

    2. I also agree with you Luis. There is so much going on that we don't know about. Money influences many things and unfortunately the decisions made are being influenced by it as well.

    3. I agree with Luis that the government is deeply corrupted because of lobbyist selfish wants to pass bills that benefit them.

  10. I certainly did not know that majority of the American people take their government for granted and do not participate in voting. The United States, compared to the rest of the world, has the lowest voting turn out. Also, I never knew how "dirty" politics were. To see how cut throat a politician can get or how far one is willing to go to sabotage the other is absolutely mind-blowing. This only inspires me to get involved in politics, not to be corrupted but to beat politicians at their own game. To back stab, black mail, and potentially ruin a dirty politician's career sounds exciting to me and I, for one, can not wait to get my hands dirty.

    1. I agree with Lionel, politics are extremely dirty and corrupt up to the point that it's ridiculous.

    2. @ Lionel----Yikes!!! When I retire, I think I might be joining you!! American politics is very interesting and very manipulative.

    3. I agree with Lionel, I too would like to see the corrupt go down in shame.

    4. I agree with you Lionel, I think its pretty amazing how much a politician will go just to win an election.

  11. I learned from our discussions in class that Obama care is going to cause higher taxes, that due to drug companies greed were now going to be forced to choose and pay for an insurance plan. I've also learned that what third parties basically do is take away votes from the democratic and republican parties

  12. I have learned that there are a lot of tricks & secrets within the government & elections, not many people care enough to vote, a lot of group don't have as much power as I imagined, democrats &republicans have basically switched view within the pass couple of years, & a lot of vocab.

    1. Yes te government never tells us the real complete story. There is always some catch to everything the pass and want to do. Being a democrat or republican is just a label now.

  13. I have learned that political socialization plays a role for the young voters. I have always realized we are like our parents but didn't realize in how many ways. I have also learned a huge reason for our corrupt country are interests groups supplying crazy amounts of money for selfish reasons.

  14. Before your class I used to believe that the government and how things were ran over there in D.C was holy. I thought that that was a place full of honesty. Now i see how i wrong i really was. I learned that if you wanna pass a law or policy you have to make EVERYONE happy or else you can forget about it. Another thing i learned in your class is the importance of organizations and interest groups, and how much they play a part in government by influencing law makers. I realized that I should do my own research on a candidate before I decide to vote and do the same for an organization i might have an interest in supporting.

    1. That is not a bad idea at all about researching why should you vote for that candidate, what is in him that he deserves the spot in office. I would never had thought about that.

    2. I agree with gensel that i really thought that D.C is there to protect us and do what is right for everyone but it always seems like someone is getting screwed.

    3. I agree with gensel, I thought this a government for the people, by the peole, and runned by the people, but I guess nothing good ever last long in this corrupt world of ours.

    4. I agree with you, before i thought things were there to help everyone and i certainly did not know how much corruption was in out government. Alexis is right, this govornment was made to be 'for the people, by the people', now we know how wrong we all were.

    5. i agree with gensel. i always thought things were made like laws and policies by everyone agreeing to it but it turns out that you either have to "bribe" them for their votes or its something actually worth while to talk about and get through to the people. but it just shows how we americans actually are in the great united states

  15. One of the lessons that impacted me was political ideology. Democratic candidates tend to obtain more female, minorities, young, catholic voters than Republicans. On the other hand Republican candidates receive more votes from Christians, wealthy, more educated, mature(older citizens), traditional voters. I really did not have in mind that such differences like these actually antonyms to each other will make them different from each other. The gender gap is something that was burn to my brain.

  16. Going over the difference between Democratics and Republicans really opened my eyes to what each party brings. At first i thought i was a die hard democratic because im a minority but both bring good points and also bad ones. I also think its cool how heated the debates get and how each party fights each other to get their point across.

    1. I agree, they do bring good points, but whoever has the most money is the one who will have the power.

    2. I agree with Bud, because I was honestly confused about Demoractics and Republicans. Until class i can define them both and seperate their beliefs.

  17. What I learned in class is that was very helpful, how PAC's and interest groups bribe candidates with money, how the party rivalries block america from improving, also how why political solicialization is a key role with peoples beliefs and decisions.

  18. I learned that there is a legal form of bribery. I have learned that politics are very "dirty". Before you're class I thought that things in D.C. were there to protects us. Of course I knew that it wasn't perfect or anyting close to it, but I did not know that it was this bad and this many things happened. Now I know I had a coompletely different idea about our govornment.

  19. some things that ive learned in class was what being a democratic or a republician actually mean and what part of goverment role they actually play. another thing was how lobbist and interest groups work. i never heard of them until we actually talked about them in class. also of how they give money to candidates just so that they can get what they (in a way)its weird and confusing how the government actually works. but this is america and this is how things are done.

  20. Before being in your class I didnt really pay attention to government that much, but now it opened my eyes and made me ralize what I had been missing out on. The government is very sneaky and now i know to look out more. Everything revolves around money, money talks. If you dont have money and you're trying to get someone to do something for you then it wont happen. At first i would get confused but now I'm starting to get the hang of things. Politics are dirty and you just have to watch out because most of the time there will be a catch in things.

    1. It is true some of us have a "good" image of this country, but the truth is that everything revolves around money.

  21. I didn't know that there was so much regulation on donations. I did know that the interest groups were sly, but it seems like there's no stopping them. It shocks me to know that although there is a max as to how much we can donate, they can twist it around to their advantage.

    1. I agree because although there have been federal regulations on contributions, interest groups and corporations have found ways to get around it. Politicians look to the interest groups that have donated to them when making decisions more than to the people and their needs. The rich pretty much own campaigns and can easily influence a candidate's agenda.

    2. I agree with candy because it is crazy how interest groups can still get away with spending money on campaigns.

  22. It has been very interesting to learn new things that I would never imagined. From the discussions we have in class on of the things I've learned, and that really surprised me is that corporationes are seen as people. Another thing I've learned is that interest groups have enough power to persuade politicians to vote for the policies and the laws and things that are better for them.

    1. I really think they should fix that whole corporations are people thing. Its not right that we give the corporation to much freedom when their not people but money grabbing "machines" getting what they want and not what we want in our nation.

    2. i agree with diana if we the people aren't recieving anything out of the deal then why have em. Money rules the nation i would just like to see some my way

  23. Before your class I didn't pay much attention to what was going on. It was just something that never really interested me. Now I realize the heaviness of the government. It made me wake up and realize that I need to start listening to everything that goes on. Politics aren't clean and there needs a lot of fixing to be taken place. Even though I think that I can't make a difference, I can. The whole bribing for votes really surprised me as well. They do so much just to get one vote? There is so much going on other than what I expected there to be. I thought that congress was just a bunch of old guys in suits sitting in chairs talking about problems. This class has really helped so much. Not only in government but also in economics. I find things much more interesting and have learned the importance of it all.

  24. Before coming to Ap Government I always had very little interest in government and politics because "It didn't relate to me," was always my reason. However, I've come to realize that I was very wrong. I learned about interest group who promote what we the people ask for and are our political voice ,both politically and financially. They help fund presidential campaigns to better the chances that we vote for the right president.though there is a lot more to Ap Government I beginning to feel intrigued more and more. Just really hate how confusing it can get. to many loopholes!

    1. I agree,people just find a way to get around the law's but just enough for it to be still classified as legal. We the people aren't really in control of our government anymore.

  25. I have learned that there's a lot of legal bribing going on behind the scenes in politics. There is really nothing that can be done about it because like i said it is legal and there is not a law that can help prevent the bribing from happening.I also learned that big corporations are considered people. The more the big corporations give money to candidates the more power they have over them. It is like they run politics in a way.

  26. Prior to entering government, I personally knew that Washington had some "dirty secrets" but I never knew that they were that extreme as for an interest group to control their ways into Washington and our legislation, I knew money was always in play but I never knew that "back door deals" were done and that its all just an act before the public and they feed off of the ignorance of its citizens.

    1. I agree, we are pretty ignorant and uninformed about political issues. It's why they get away with so much, we don't make as much of an effort as we should to stay involved in the happenings of our government and our nation. So in the end its our own fault.

    2. I agree with you David. Especially about how the citizens of our country are pretty ignorant. You can even look at economy. People want higher wages and a higher minimum wage, but it wouldn't help. Goods will just be taxed. Sure the face value of how much money you have will increase, but the purchasing power of it will remain the same or even decrease. Maybe this isn't so much as ignorant, but maybe uneducated.

  27. Before this class I didn't know what a PAC or interest group or any of that was. I wasn't aware of all the bribery that goes on, all the tricks and secrets the government had. I knew they weren't all holy and good but I didn't know about anything else. This has changed the way I view them because before I was just like ok whatever I don't care what they do it doesn't affect me but even if it doesn't affect me directly all the time it affects me in some way, like education and things like that.

  28. I think that the biggest realization for me was the extensive amounts of legal bribery that takes place in politics, particularly in elections. Beforehand, I had a bit an idea of it occurring but not of how frequently or the huge amounts of money that was being used in the process. It does make me wonder if we are truly being allowed to play a part in a nation that is "governed by the people" as we've been told, or if in the end, those with money prosper and get heard while the rest(candidates that don't have the means to compete financially with those who attain it "legally" do)are without a voice.

  29. Our american government gives us the beautiful lie that constantly fulfills our curiosity. Then so many loop holes and deal making we will never understand why we are ran on ''true justice and tranquilty.'' So much dirt and yet we still support our country as though we are a paradise. So what i've concluded is that just be content with are country don't give ur full patriotism to one's who don't look out for a well being.

  30. After the class discussion it really opened my eyes on how really dirty and sneaky politics are. Before the discussion I thought elections were fair, but boy I was wrong. I learned how manipulating some politicians can be and how other ones can be really simple minded. It made me realize that the only thing that matters is how much money you have. If you have a lot you can bribe or "persuade" your opponent. They will literally "buy" the election with ads and bribery. Now that I know how corrupted some politicians can be, I don't think I would vote for them. After this class discussion I don't really trust elections anymore.

  31. I never knew that corporations were counted as people. They shouldn't be counted as people because they have way more money than a regular citizen. If the corporation is bias towards one candidate running for office, they can give them a lot of money and make them win the election. I think it is a unffair. Also all the lobbying that happens in the white house is very dirty. I don't think there is a loyal president anymore. Unfortunatley it's all about the money.

    1. This is true but what is sad is that not a lot people pay attention or even notice this things. If these corporations keep gaining more power and no one tries to challenge them, we might face a horrid future in America.

  32. Before entering this class I can be honest to you, I knew nothing. Entering AP GOV taught me a lot not about just Government and Politics but reality. I learned that Politicans do not say anything to us. Everything that is said inside the white house is not being told to us. They ask for an opinion and they go the other way, their way. Also how much money is an issue with everything. To some people money isn't everything but to politicians money is what bribe them. They don't care what we think, they want to see the money talking.

    1. Sadly but true, public opinion doesn't matter but what matters are the zeros on the checks.

  33. Before this class I didn’t really know much about politics and how the government really runs. This class has made me realize that this country isn’t really democratic. For example, most political figures that are suppose to represent the people, instead they represent the corporates, pacs, interest groups, basically only the ones that gives them large amount of money.

    1. I agree with Alice because our country's government has become somewhat corruptive in a way. It's politic's campaigns are being funded by PACs which pick a minority who has the power to become a majority.

  34. Before this class I didn't know how the election process completely worked. I had heard of the electoral college and popular vote, but I didn't know about the winner take all system. Now I understand how it works and that candidates can still lose even if winning the popular vote. Also before this class I knew that many rich people donated a lot to campaigns, but I didn't understand how interest groups and PAC's worked. I didn't know how easily it is for them to find loopholes to donate huge amounts to candidates. Now I understand how much elections are influenced by these groups and how much politicians make their decisions based on their contributors. This is upsetting because rather than listen to the goals the people want to achieve, politicians are concerned with how their contributors will react.

    1. The people's concerns don't matter nowadays and it is upsetting. Money is the main issue now and whoever can give the candidates the most money and contributions are the ones that will get what they want in the government.

  35. From our discussions in class, one the most interesting things that I picked up was that the people of the United States are very ignorant, as a whole. I don't mean everyone.. The video about how America is not the greatest country in the world opened my eyes about our country even more. Our government has a lot to hide, and they can easily overrule the people. We are not the best nation, which can be proven through statistics. Yes, the people can vote and can have freedom of speech. People come here from opportunity and freedom, but that does not mean we are the best country. As Jairo mentioned earlier, everything is revolved around money. That lust for money has driven many of our standards down the drain.

    1. I agree with Derek on that video. It helped remind us how "great" America really is.

  36. In the discussions we had in class, I learned the difference between PACs and interest groups. Before this class, I always thought that every group that was involve in the politics were basically the same. But, that's not the case since PACs have more restrictions than interest groups. Other than that, everything else that was discussed I already had past knowledge of it.

  37. The first and biggest one for me would be the way interest groups control American politics. It has changed look on politics drasticlly because I had no idea how big interest groups were in this country. The second thing would have to be the amount of money that candidates spend on their campaigns. I had a pretty good idea of how much it was but i had no idea that it was so much money that it's ridiculous.

  38. This class has taught me a lot about the US Government and we're not even half way through the class yet! For starters, I didn't know how much money candidates spend in their campaigns! They spend so much money in order to get a job that doesn't even pay half of that and they try so hard to get the people's vote when in the end it doesn't really count. Also I didn't know much about interest groups but now I know that they practically run the country! They manipulate the candidates giving them unlimited amounts of money, going through a lot of loop holes in order to get around the law, just to get their own personal issues dealt with. Our political system is just very corrupt and even though I expected it to be that way, I didn't expect it as corrupt as I have learned it is.

  39. From our discussions in class, I had learned the difference between PACs and interest groups. That PACs have more restrictions than interest groups. Also that Interest groups are controlling the country with their money for their own benefits ignoring the people's needs. I also learned that the government is very sneaky and that there are much more things that they are hiding from us then what I thought. That every single thing revolves around money.

  40. What I have learned about politics is that many of its campaign money comes from interest groups which bundle their money. However, they don't care about the people's opinion on whether the candidate is the right person to run our country. I have also learned that PACs are regulated interest groups that legally raise money for a candidate. This was made possible by the decision taken in the court case, Citizens United v. FEC.

    1. Yup, I agree. Much of the money that the candidates receive are from interest groups meaning that if their candidate "wins" then they're the actual winners.

  41. What I have learned about politics is how largely corrupted it is. I knew that it was corrupted, but never did I think that it was this much. Politicians become bought by the amount of money that is provided to them. Once they are bribed, then it becomes an easy access for them to win or get ahead in the election. Most of the money that the campaign get is from interest groups/PACS.

  42. I have learned that the U.S. government don't tell the people the truth about certain issues. I also learned how interests groups play an important role in politics. I learned that there is many "secrets" in the American government. That most people are ignorant and they just vote based on a non educated view. I don't like politics or anything related to government at all, but at least now I know more that what I use to.

  43. I knew that candidates were sponsored by interest groups but not to the extend that you could say that they were owned by them. The tragedies that corporations use like the part that says that corporations are people to have their ways are also something I did not know about the American government and politics. All of this has changed the way I think of who is really running the country.

    1. Yeah, i agree with Alvaro i never knew that candidates owned interest groups.

  44. I have learned how much money has an effect on politics, such as campaigns and throughout most government. Also how hard th president has it to pass any type of law or act with spilt houses.

    1. I agree with Jorge I knew money meant power but not as much as it effects the elections, and interest groups. I agree that congress have a lot to consider to get things passed with all the interest groups and pacs putting money in there faces and influencing import issue votes.

  45. I've learned that being a categorized as a Democtrat or a Republican is just a label. Most people don't agree with half the things that get passed. And now a days people get bought by certain interest groups and that candidates are puppets. I also learned that the government never tell us the real stories. They just tell us what we want to hear. They always have something suspicious up their sleeve trying to trick us.

    1. I agree with her first statement of how being a democrat or a republican is simply a label. Not one person is truly a full republican or democrat nowadays. Ones point of view changes depending on the issue presented but in today's world that is perfectly okay.

  46. As the class burly began I though it was boring and just didn't catch my attention at all, but as it progressed I learned that money talks alot in the govenment. Its like if only few words of the people count and the money does the rest of the talking.

  47. As I've said earlier I have never been one to be much interested in the government, that is until now. It is amazing to me how corrupt our country really is and how everyone is okay with it somehow! I think that is absolutely absurd. I've also learned that in reality, of we truly think about it, we don't live in a democracy but instead in a type of government where they make us think we have a say when in reality they could care less of what we think.

    1. the truth is most people aren't even aware of the corruption. if more of the citizens would realize what realy happens in washington we as a country would demand change ,but since this is a democracy the representatives wold rather save their bacon and in instead of preventing corruption they constantly create loopholes to munipulate the flow of money

  48. Although my family talks about politics, I lacked knowledge. Taking this class has opened my eyes and made me realize that technically everything is a scam. Money is power, and the government is actually corruptive. No matter what the people want for this country, whatever the government wants is what will be.

    1. I agree with Samantha that money is power. Money buys you access to things that you wouldn't have had access to before. The government is in a sense of corruption, but nothing is perfect.

    2. I agree that this class has really helped in opening my eyes to what occurs on stage and behind the scenes of politics. We know nothing until we go in depth of our government and what manipulation and corruption occurs thanks to this "democracy". And of course, money is power, in which money causes corruption.

  49. A couple of things that I've learned about the government is that we can't always believe what we see, hear, or know. Everything that the government does affects us in some way or another. I do believe that I'll rather live in the United States, rather than any other country in the world, but there's just so much "corruption" you can say. Spots in the government are being bought "legally' and there's nothing we could really do. Do we live in a democracy? Yes and no. What really is left for us if there's no more sense of unalienable rights? The land of opportunity, everybody needs a fair chance at life.

    1. I agree with Alex. We are having to many bought elections and there nothing we can do about it until the government steps in and regulate these groups.

  50. one thing i learned is that corporations are seen as people and therefor also have rights ,yet if anything goes wrong we we can'td blame a corporation and no one takes the blame. the corporations people were aloud to donate as much as the wanted and not be regulated "527's"

    1. While I was aware of this, I can see your position. It makes no sense for corporations to be labeled as "people" yet be too powerful to take responsibility for their actions.

  51. I have learned that the media plays a key role in the way Americans view politics, and because the media is biased then the people are never fully informed. Another thing I have learned is that money is a powerful tool and every single politician had a special interest group in their back pockets.

  52. I have learned a lot such as political parties are corrupt and that people = corporations according to United citizens v. FEC and bribery for votes and have destroyed in a way of the type of democracy that was intended for the people not corporations didn't america already go through this when trust were popular and corporations ruled the government.

  53. Taking Ap Gov has made me realized that money plays a major part in elections in the United States. There are ways to legally bribe and there is nothing that can be done about it. Interests groups donate so much money to get what they want and that isn't fair or right to those who have no money. Basically money talks and if you have no money then your opinion isn't heard.

  54. I realized that there is a lot that the government has a lot to hide. There are many things that are decided due to the power of money. Elections are bribed, candidates have plenty of money due to corporations and there very little that we can do about it if we don’t let our voice be heard. There are thousands of interest groups out in the world today. Interest groups are something new to me I didn’t really know about them at all or what they were for but I learned a lot from the paper we had to do for our interest group and it helped me understand what they do and their purpose.

  55. yes money is indeed power and for that reason if you show no signs of giving money then politiicans will ignore you. Everything in the U.S. revolves around money and that is why this country is corrupted.

  56. I always figured that we had a really corrupt government with so much to hide, but now I am assured of it. I realized how much money is handled by the government for their benefits. Money is the cause of corruption. We as the people are made to believe of the “goodness” elections will bring but in reality there is always someone pulling the strings. What we see and hear on camera is nothing but an act to make society’s emotions run wild and become influenced. I learned that we may possibly not be living in a true democracy serving fo the benefits, pleasures, and support of the people as a whole.

  57. I have learned so much about politics in general that i never knew before. I learned that politicians tend to hide a lot of the truth from people. I also learned that the President uses people such as minority leaders to help himself in gaining popularity. Before AP Gov, I didnt know a lot of the government today is so corrupt that our future is so dangerously important.

  58. Something that I've learned that has changed my mind of thinking would be how the political wold is basically run by the man that has contributed the most money and how the American government has developed since it first came into fruition.

  59. It's crazy to realize there so much out there that you have no clue about. One of the most interesting things I've learned in the class discussions is the amount of money special interest groups and super pacs give to candidates. Now i see presidential election or any or election as a bought election. Not enough people really research there candidates and base there decision on that.

  60. One thing that i have learn in class was that interest groups are taking over our electoral system. I learn that voters are now choosing between special interest groups, not candidates. This is what Citizens United has done to our democracy, to our elections. In the US. we no longer have candidates running for office instead we have interest groups promoting the candidates they own running for office. Interest groups have the power to buy our elections now thanks to the Supreme Court. This made me think differently about the electoral system and how things are manage differently ever since interest groups took over.

  61. some thing simple but new to me was the ten year total in presidency a person can have. Another thing that i learned was what when down behind the helth care reform and how corrupt the entire thing was i mean to vote before reading just to get it passed n how much interest groups were involved just makes me sick.
