I believe gun control laws should not be dealt with state wide,it should be a bit more difficult to access them such as having the purchaser have a criminal,and medical background check. However, I stand firm in believing in the right to bear arms. Banning the use of firearms/assault rifles will not resolve the problem. In fact it leaves the people who are responsible, vulnerable to the inhumane ones. Being able to protect yourself at all times is a major factor in keeping the right. For example a burglar might run into your house and try to murder all your family for a couple of bucks. Well that's why you have a weapon to protect yourself and to annihilate the son of a gun(no pun intended). Removing weapons doesn't mean guns will be removed completely off the grid. Ever heard of the black market? You can expect that business to be booming, and what happens to innocent people who are left abiding by the rules. Easy targets if you ask me. Keeping guns is for keeping yourself safe at all times, people see getting rid of guns as the solution to stopping all these shootings, well it's not. When a person has their mind set on killing someone or a group of people they'll find a way no matter what, they'll venture into the unknown to succeed. Like i said before removing guns just gives the insane a motive to look for more ways of causing harm.
I agree with you, I believe that a persom must receive criminal and medical background check before receiving a gun. It's a way to assure that we're doing a little more to keep evetyone safe.
i agree things are not going to change just because the regulations change the only thing that it going to end up happening is that more people are going to get them illegaly making it more dangerous.
I agree with Gensel that there needs to be regulations on who should obtain a gun because it limits those who are incapable of handling a gun properly from obtaining a weapon. I also agree that flat out banning it will harm some citizens who need to protect themselves and open a world of smuggling and illegal gun sales. Those acts usually follow with higher crime rates and political tension.
yes gensel i agree that the american citizin has the right to protect him self and that outlawing firearms would increase black market activity so the only option is to restict the selling of guns and even stop the production of assult riffles that aren't for the military
First off i do believe in the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms. Simply because i feel every person has the right to defend themselves in a time of crisis or for safe recreational activities that follow the law. However the amendment should definitely be tweeked to meet our day and age. When the amendment was passed guns were very mediocre and our now obsolete. Guns were usually single shot and had a large lapse in time before they could be fired again due to slow reloading. Guns were also not as abundant as they are now. Guns now are relatively cheap, easy to obtain, and very deadly. What should be changed is the process on how to obtain a gun, raise the prices, and outlaw the heavier artillery. A stricter screening process should be used when trying to purchase a gun. Prices for guns as well should be spiked high in order to stop the raise in demand for guns. Guns will always be relevant in society, but we can limit the accessibility of them.
I agree with you, things have changed from back in the day. We need laws that are in our times, that can accommodate to the sort of weapons that are available to us.
I agree with the change in time and technology. Just as the internet and nuclear weapons and computers have come along, they then brought along the development of new lawas and regulations. Guns shouldn't be an exception from this either.
I agree with you, that the screening process should be made stricter, and the prices should go up to low accessability, but I believe we shouldn't suffer those prices because of the radicals that use firearms to kill other.
I agree with Juan on limiting the access of guns. Times have changed dramatically on how easy it is to gain control of a gun. The wrong people are in hand of guns so I agree with him on making it a stricter screening process when purchasing a gun. Laws should be passed to change the accessability of guns.
Although I partly disagree with Juan's first statement. I do agree with him completely in that the pricing of guns should be spiked high in order to limit the accessibility to them. I think that should be the first step in possibly banning all guns from the general public.
I do believe in some additional gun control but not to put an end to guns as a whole. I've had my experience with guns recreationally in Boy Scouts and they are fun, and I am sure they are even more enjoyable when hunting. I do believe that everyone should have the right to own a firearm to use in case of emergencies where they are or feel in danger. But there are some people that do not deserve the privilege of owning a gun, like repeating offenders or the mentally ill. Background checks and training have to be further enforced and military-grade firearms should be taken off the streets, as they are of exaggerated use. But until then, devastating events like the recent public shootings, will only have the same chance of happening again, and absolutely no American wants that for another, fellow American. Participating in firearm training and background checks now should be a way for everyone to show their respect for those lost in these recent unfortunate events.
The process of recieving a gun should be more difficult than it is right now. The person should recieve a criminal and medical background check to be safer. There should be a law innacted that states that a gun is only for protection at your home. If someone breaks into your home and tries harming your family, shooting the person will not be against the law, but it also must be proven that it was self diffense. If someone gets you mad and you shoot at them and you're at home then you would be breaking the law. Even though the right to bear arms is part of our amendments, there should still be regulations and requirements that people must follow so our home could be a better place for everyone.
I agree with you because it's starting to seem like guns are becoming easier for the public to purchase with out a license. If medical background checks and criminal background checks are done then guns won't be in the wrong hands of people.
I agree with you Margarita. There are some cases where if you fire an arm it would be self defense. Buying guns is easy now instead there should be test done because not everyone should be able to buy a gun.
Guns shouldn't be outlawed for people will still find a way to get them..however we should make getting a gun license much harder.We should do both criminal background and medical history and also make it harder for petiole to get bigger fire arms
Guns should not be outlawed. The 2nd amendment is what we use to defend ourselves. I believe it's not the way to resolve gun issue. Guns have changed over the course of history. From a single arrow on a crossbow, Single bullet in musket, to more advance semi and full automatic rifles to high power weapons. But I think they shouldn't enforce it. But use a criminal and medical history check on the buyer if they are purchasing a gun to make everything safer. Many times it's psychological issue that triggers a bloodbath and mass murder throughout america or any part of the world. I've had experiences with guns during my time in Europe and Japan. And it was pretty cool to use it. It's for only self-defense when a person breaks in your private property. Or being in a gun-fight in your own home or lawn. But in all, I think it shouldn't be ban. Guns are use to protect ourselves or anyone close to us. And it helps to make society more safer.
I agree with making a background check on anyone who is buying a gun. It'll help make the community more secure. Outlawing guns will only make the public rely on the black market for guns. MURICA
Guns should never ever be outlawed. I believe in right to bear arms.We cant just go and change that amendment. Its all the people with mental problems that go and mess it up for everyone. The only resort would be not letting license a assault rifle to those with medical background like Aggressiveness,being bi polar sickness, and etc. Taken them off the market wont solve a single thing. Its just going to make us gun lovers angry. I guarantee all you that are for banning assault rifles , if assault rifles are banned massacres will still happen. God forbid it but banning wont help it... just the truth...
I agree with you because no matter what the gov't does there will still be killings and assault rifles will still be on the street,such as many other guns are right now.
I agree with Japhet because Gun control isn't bad until a person uses them for unlawful crimes. Plus if a ban of Guns happens, it won't effect the people unless law enforcement steps in an enforce the state law. Either way people will find a way to get a Gun in their hands.
I think that the laws should be changed state wide. There should be more strict regulations to acquire a gun. I think that if a person wants to buy a gun, a medical study should be made. If any type of mental illness is present then that person should not be able to buy a gun. Innocent people have died from gun shooting, stricter gun controls will save lives. I do believe in the right to bear arms but some times I wonder "what if a madman/woman comes to school and starts shooting at everybody?" I'm afraid that someday that could happen. To prevent such horrible acts, schools should have more strict rules towards who enters the school. Gun banning is not the answer to stop the killing of people.
I agree with the stricter accessibility being established. People argue that it will make no difference and that gun abuse will continue, but it will impact the rate at which it is happening which could result in saving one more life compared to doing nothing at all, and that one life is worth the change.
I agree that there should be more strict regulations and that the person would have to go through studies to find out if they're capable of owning a gun.
i agree with you Alejandra that there should be more strict regulations to acquire a gun because it is really easy to have access to a gun. More studies or test should be made in order to purchase a gun that way you can know the type of person that is buying the gun. Guns will always find there way around a situation, the best thing to do is just to be safe and handle the situation in a proper way.
I believe in the right to bear arms because me, myself take advantage of the right. I just turned 18 today and bought my shotgun at academy. Guns don't kill people, people do. With that being said if you had a criminal record involving violence then i think you having a gun should be considered and decided by a court. Background checks are a must before purchasing a gun, even at a gun show. Medical records should be checked as well because every time there is a mass murder or just a murder period, they claim to be "mentally insane or sick". At the end of the day our right cant be taken away just because another individual doesn't care about their life or someone elses.
I think the guns policy right now is okay for the most part one thing that could change would have to be how people can be issued guns. An example, would be like to do a background check on people and to continue to monitor them after they have been issued a gun of any size. And about the right to bear arms, I believe that is a right for each person that should't be changed because some idiots can't control what they do with their guns. It can serve as a extra protection tp people's everyday life if used properly.
I agree because anyone can get a gun and may lie about how they are going to use it. They should be more strict about the way someone can get a gun and monitor it.
I in my personal belief, believe that banning firearms, is not the answer that people are looking for. Having a stricter and lengthier acceptance process of buying and licensing for a gun is the answer. Most of "us", the non mentally corrupted people should not have our right to bear arms taken away just because of a few of a bunch of people, feeling the need to attract attention to themselves at any way even if it means killing others, should have there right for protection taken away. The media does not report the amount of people that own a weapon can and do no use it to kill people, they just shown the most attracting stories. The process for obtaining a license should be stricter, and have a decrease in the acceptance rate of how many people are allowed to own a gun. If the ban of firearms is made, one can be assured that the black market will have a grand success as the result of the ban. P.S. I am Jason Ruiz 1st pd.
I agree that the black market will succeed in making revenue. However, I don't believe that stricter laws will make a significant impact. The psychopaths will always find a way to get a weapon with or without the stricter rules. I agree that the media always focuses on who killed who. A majority of people believe that gun control will save us but in reality can lead to our nations downfall.
Guns shouldn't be changed state wide but there does need to be a significant change in how guns are controlled. Extensive medical and bckground checks are not enough to prove if a person will kill another person. It is something that can just happen. Obviously a person with psychological issued should not be given a gun to own. However, whether there is gun control or not people will always find a way to exchange firearms or something worse can be created. It's human nature. I believe in the right to bear arms unfortunately because our lives are at risk. One needs to protect themselves from the violence and cruelty. Gun control will not resolve an issue and will not prevent killings from happening. New weapons will be created because of technological advances. I guess I can say I'm for and against gun control because its something that can't be controlled. Revolt and rebellion is part of humanity. Limiting and restricting firearms is not the solution. Its an issue that can be discussed for a very long time but ultimately it leads to one answer: it will not even make a difference in the statistics that are shown today.
Your right, people will find a way no matter what to get a hold of firearms even if they were banned which truly sucks. Its a shame that the founding fathers didnt know what their dumb law would turn into.
I agree that technology increases drastically which leads to better ways of killing someone without a gun.Even our own education makes it more highly for us to use it in forming a killing mechanism just as we have seen college students target universities with terrorist bomb attacks.
You made a very important statement, "Extensive medical and background checks are not enough to prove if a person will kill another person." There should be control throughout the community. This can influence a better action by the government. It would also aid in the decision making process. If people would think about the long run consequences guns bring, it's obvious they'll understand the need for the law.
I don't think the gun law should be changed, it is one of our rights I think it would create a big commotion if the law were to be changed. The guns themselves are not dangerous, it is the person holding it or owning it that makes it be dangerous or not. Someone can own a gun for hunting or to have it in their home in case if something happened. Another thing is that we see guns being used to kill people,in war for example; everyone says that violence is bad then why do we go to war? Is not the right that's a problem, is the people. Even if gun were taken away people will find different methods to inflict harm. Most of the people will more than likely still get guns, make it illegal all you want but we do what we are told not to. Before the guns go, fix all the "crazy" people, their the problem not the guns.
I agree with you that if laws are changed it would become a big commotion, but I do believe that states should be strict on who buys guns now in days. Maybe by checking criminal records and wether the one buying a firearm has any mental issues. Of course we use guns for safety but there are those who dont know how to handle one and do think its a toy.
I agree with you Mayda. A gun does not shoot itself. Any sane person can change from one moment to another and changing the law will create so much commotion because it is a big deal.
I think tha gun control laws should change to make it stricter to get a gun specialy after what we have seen lately. People with guns already have to pass setain requirements to get them so why not make it harder to get them because if they are serious about getting a gun to protect they should meet every single requiremwnt. I believe that we should have the right to bear arms for the single cause of protection. This is due to the fact that manny people over the years have commited crimes inside of homes that shouldnt had taken place if one has arms in the house it would be eassier to protect one self as long as they are kept at home(ready for when its time to protect oneself).
I think we should continue to have that right. The people need a means to protect themselves. It is a constitutional right for a reason. All people who qualify to exercise that right should be able to. Of course it is plainly obvious that some precautions need to be undergone as to make this right slightly more exclusive. They are far too accessible nowadays, hence the increasing gun abuse related crimes. however, these few people who have taken advantage of this right should not be the cause for everyone being stolen of it as well. if there were more restrictions to being able to have a gun were presented the rate of crime should, although not cease completely,begin to decrease which is a start.
Guns don't kill people. People kill people. However, guns do make it easier for people to commit murders. That is why I believe there should be some restrictions on owning a gun. I'm not saying that the government should make owning a gun illegal, because people will still find a way to get their hands on a gun, and use it against people who obey the law, and don't have one. For example, i believe that the only type of weapon that should be available to the people, are handguns, and only should be used in a life threatening situation. That is what what meant, when the second amendment was written. That a person was entitled to protect their lives. I do believe in the second amendment, because , as an American citizen, i feel like i have the right to secure my well-being, when i feel like my life is in danger. Of course i don't own a gun now, i'm not 21, but i believe that someone with a family would want to protect them.
In a way I can agree with you but I still don't see why ban rifles. One thing that the nation should do is make some sort of exam for any consumer that is about to buy a weapon in order to see if they are sane and not a psychopath. But either way, not a bad response.
I agree with you, Luis in that there should be restrictions. People's choices are sometimes not the best and those who are innocent suffer. I agree that we should place restrictions and try to look out for people's well being.
States shouldn’t take away guns from people the regulations should just become stricter to own one. For one we all have the right to bear arms. Meaning we can own a gun. Today the view of guns has changed due to all the shootings going on for example the Sandy Hook Elementary school, the shooting in Aurora Colorado, and the Lone Star College shooting. Guns are not toys but they certainly do not kill anybody it is the person operating it who kills people or someone. The constitution states the right to bear arms then isn't the law of the land? If people want to buy guns then it should be the right people buying them. In order for the right people to buy guns there must be some new requirements they meet such as them having a clean background and a physiological evaluation. Therefore guns wont be in the wrong hands.
I agree with your statement on stricter regulations for owning a firearm and do believe this can solve our problem with the bad name given to guns, which are supposed to serve for protection, unmonitored people give them. Though I do not agree on your view with the States being in charge of handling this right as each one can have a different say possibly making this the next gay marriage, abortion, marijuana debate.
Guns allow the people to to take matters into their own hands. It gives them the capability of protecting themselves when they are in danger. Guns are used to have fun, while being used with caution. However, it also takes humans life away. Gun control laws should meet a change to the point where there is more info on the buyer, and they should meet the requirements. People who want to buy guns, should undergo classes and historical background. This will ensure the safety of others around them. I believe in the right to bear arms because we should be allowed to be protected in life threatening situations.
When it comes to weapons, I do not see any good of changing gun laws in the nation. While there has been a lot of shootings in recent months, that does not mean that we should make carbine rifles illegal. What good would it make if we do? It would only cause more citizens to rebel against the law just like during the prohibition era. The nation complains about all of these recent shootings but yet our country murders too many innocent people around the world and they are not saying much about it. In the end this is just an opinion of mines but either way there is no need for changing the gun laws. If this were to take affect, America is losing its true meaning which is freedom.
I would have to agree with you on the point that America is losing it's meaning of freedom. A law restricting guns would cause and uproar from a lot of people in America.
I personally believe that guns shouldn't be totally banned but should have a tighter restriction on whether who can obtain it or not. However I believe the focus shouldn't be towards the guns but towards people. Human nature is naturally corrupt and there will always be violence whether through guns or another way. So the shift of attention should be to better our society and actually use the profit gained from guns toward funding education and the mentally disabled institution because an educated people know what’s right and what’s wrong, though not always, yet it will significantly reduce the crime rates associated with guns and other forms of violence.
My comment is directed towards Harold's comment. I don't think the laws are necessarily fine. There are some improvements that could be made without causing so much uproar. There should at least be more strict background checks and a more strict process of purchasing the gun. I don't necessarily agree with banning guns, but if so, then the shootings around this country would most likely decrease. There's no way that you could have it completely stop, but it would help.
I don't necessarily agree with you David, because no matter what, even educated people will throw away the knowledge of right and wrong just to do what they feel should be done or act out of impulse without thinking of consequences for themselves or the people they are hurting. On top of that even with funding going towards better education, not everyone will take advantage of that.
I think gun control laws should be made stricter not just by state but by country because Americans are irresponsible. If guns had never been permitted outside of war we would not be in the spot we are now. People just take advantage of anything they get their hands on. If it were up to me, guns would be prohibited to anyone other than police,army, marines, etc. but only people who use it to protect the country, of course being realistic I know it would be impossible to pass that law now. Like I said, people use anything they get their hands on so why not just protect yourself with a bat or a knife? Guns should be prohibited to the everyday person in my opinion so no, I don't believe in the right to bear arms!!!
I agree on how you state that if guns had never been permitted outside of war we would not be in the spot we are now. People do take advantage of anything they get in their hands, the wrong people are holding on to the wrong things, and making wrong decisions! Like how you proved your point.
Yes, guns don' t kill people, people kill people. But think of it this way.. Why are these people holding on to these guns? Do majority of these people holding guns have a gun license? Most of them, however, don't. I think they should be more strict on guns. Yes I do believe it is okay to have guns in your household to protect yourself and family. But I also do believe that guns shouldn't be given to the wrong people. Just like the first picture Mr. Pyle put up. That picture was a big example and had a lot to say about what's going on today. We, as a family (the country) are killing each other. Why? Because people are getting a hold of the things they aren't going to behave with. Just like Karla Saldana said in her last post, Americans are very irresponsible and that is why My opinion is gun control should have more regulations. We should have guns to protect, not kill.
In my opinion there should be certain restrictions relating to guns such as caliber, class, etc., this enables adequate control over firearms. I believe that every American Citizen in the right mind deserves the right to the possession of a firearm because everyone in this country is not a murderer. There should be a test given to all individuals before they can acquire a gun license as well as a firearm.
I agree with Omar about making sure individuals should be in their right mind in order to bare a gun. Some people my have clean records but but you never truly know what they're capable of until its to late. In being diagnosed, we can assure that the person is capable of owning a gun and using it for the purpose intended in the constitution.
I agree with Omar there should be more regulations when it comes to guns. By having more regulations, the 2nd Amendment is still satisfied while expanding the 2nd Amendment's meaning to fit the 21st century's problems.
As many of my fellow peers agree with the fact that regulations should change for a rigorous yet more strict laws for the vanishing of violence. Not all violence will disappear right in an instance, but the percentage will lower due to the change for a better law. The lack of background revisions is one the causes such terrible situations are ocurring now in days. Now we cannot even step outside because we are secure of what is going to happen or what is in our surrounding. The right to bear arms is a priviledge, but some citizens take advantage. That is why regulations should be more strict.
I agree that we do not need gun control. However, seeing how recent tragedies have occurred because of guns we must try to put some restrictions. We should not ban the usage of assault rifles since most gun related events are caused by handguns. What we need to do is perform background checks on customers who want to purchase a gun. With this we are ensuring that someone who is responsible is accountable for their weapon.
I agree, guns should be restricted to people who can held responsible handling a weapon. They should check people's background for any criminal or psychological records they have. Handguns are a big issue since gangs and locals mostly own pistols it becomes a problem. And last, assault rifles or any high-powered weapons shouldn't be banned. It shouldn't be in the hands of a ill-minded person.
I believe in the right to bear arms, however many people interpret the 2nd amendment in many ways because the constitution doesn't state the clear meaning of the amendment. I believe people should have the right to have guns, but only for protection, as in to defend themselves from wild animals, burglars, terrorists, etc... The right to bear arms wasn't given to us to cause harm, but to prevent and protect ourseleves from any harm. I agree with my peers that a background check is needed in order to purchase guns, but there may be a situation in which a citizen with a clean background purchases a gun, and he or she uses that gun to kill another person, what then. A gun was sold to a person who wanted to kill another person, a background check is not enough to assure that the person buying the gun is a murderer, serious killer, assasin, etc... And because of situations like those I now believe weapons should not be sold to any american, no matter how clean their background may be. Weapons should remain only with the army, which was made to protect the united states.
I believe the gun control laws should have more restrictions, such as more in dept background checks or mentally ill people that aren't diagnosed. The government should set more regulations to make it harder for people to obtain guns. A citizen should be given the right to bare arms to protect himself and his family but only if he meets the requirements. The government has made it to easy for people to get a hold of weapons, eventually leading to guns falling in the wrong hands causing some kind of violence.
This is blackjesus yo. peace out aka jesus aguilar pd2 row 4 seat 5
The founding fathers didn't intended to bear arms with the thought of people freely killing each other. The right to bear arms is a source of protection, now should there be modern day rule changes sure ,but to take away someones second admendment would defeat the purpose of the bill of rights. Kind of saying we have the freedom of speech ,but our speech can't be to explicit. I believe in protecting yourself ,however this should only be as a last resort. I'm for the second admendment ,but am against changing the law state wide
I believe that guns should not be completely banned and the government should rather place more regulations on the type of guns sold publicly and who owns them. Completely banning guns would go against the unalienable rights guaranteed to American citizens by the Bill of Rights. The 2nd Amendment was created to create a sense of safety and protection for American citizens. However regarding the gun incidents lately, major controversy has risen about whether guns should be banned. I believe the government should create a balance between the purpose of the 2nd Amendment-protection and gun control in order to upkeep citizens' natural rights.
I agree. Guns are, as we all know, tools, but can be very dangerous when in the arms of people with intentions. Rather then it seeming like we can just own anything we want and fire anything we want, I believe that we should follow the rules, pass the tests, background checks, etc. in order to be trusted with lethal weapons by the government and by the public.
I think we should have the right to have arms Because is people killing people not guns . The people need a means to protect themselves. It is a constitutional right for a reason. All people who qualify to exercise that right should be able to. If we don’t protect our selves no one is going to. We need to have some precautions need to be undergone as to make this right slightly more exclusive. They are far too accessible now days; hence the increasing gun abuse related crimes. If there were more restrictions to being able to have a gun were presented the rate of crime should, although not cease completely, begin to decrease which is a start
I believe the gun laws should be changed. Most people look at using guns like it's nothing. Most of them don't care. Although, that doesnt mean we shouldnt have the right to bear arms, we should! Many people use guns for defense, as they should. The right to bear arms shouldnt be taken away for the people who are using that ability the corrct/legal way. Howeve at the same time the gun control laws should become more strict! & the consequences ahould be worse.
I agree with people using guns for defense. Gun control should be more strict and it should be harder to purchase a gun. Eventhough some people will rebel agaisnt a new gun law restricting gun use, either from people who have a permit or for people who do it illegally. It would cause the same chaos.
I agree with Tamera because guns should be allowed, but the government should have stricter laws. And I also agree with not taking away the 2nd Amendment, because there are some people that do use guns the legal way.
In my opinion, the gun control regulations should be adjusted in a stricter way. The whole ordeal today is banning assault rifles right? Well, first off, I support the 2nd amendment. There are more uses for a gun than just killing people. Guns provide protection against harmful people. If people know that you have a gun in your house, the likelihood of theft is lower than those who don't have a gun in their homes. Also, guns offer recreation and sports. Take into consideration of those who live in forests or out in the middle of no where. The only way they could scavenge for food is through hunting. A rifle or shotgun would be a necessary weapon for protection, but also a way to provide food for some families. Although, I do support the 2nd amendment, I also think that banning assault rifles would be beneficial. Assault rifles should strictly be limited for military operations and training, not for the general public. Yes, even if they ban it, there would still be shootings. But I believe that all the shootings would decrease. There are lots of people who are against banning assault rifles when they don't even own one to begin with. What valid point does that make? Next, the government should amplify the punishments for those who are guilty of using assault rifles. In addition, there should be a tougher and more strict process of purchasing any firearm. My main point, guns are just tools until people get a hold of them. Then they turn into weapons. It's people who kill people. This whole situation would have a bigger resolution if solutions focused more on the people, rather than the firearms.
I agree with you. We need to keep military weapons away from untrained citizens. But also, we need to understand that the second amendment was written more than two hundred years ago and needs to be updated to fit the conditions of the twentieth first century. Also, most people in the country agree that we need more regulations and stricter gun control. The people should not have to see all these killings simply because a few are ignorant and paranoid the government will take away their guns.
I believe that gun control laws should be regulated and created in each state as they deem fit. My personal view is that we should have the right to bear arms, BUT other citezens in the U.S. have different views. So an overall law liked by all will never exsist because the two view are exact opossites of each other. People should have the right, and option to bear arms if they please as a protection option. The bad thing about this is that guns can be used for many illegal things such as robbery, mauder, scuicide, ect. I think that there should be a system in place to test, and limit, a customers mental and emotional capability before they are sold a gun.
I believe in the second amendment. People should continue to have the right to bear arms because guns help protect people it can be used for hunting, and shooting is a sport (it's in the Olympics). However I do believe that stricter laws on obtaining guns can help limit violence. Medical and criminal background checks as well as bans on certain assault rifles will protect people from those unfit. We have to change the amendment to fit our lives today because the meaning is very different from when our founding fathers wrote it. I also believe that flat out banning guns altogether will back fire. It will pave the way for more illegal guns just like prohibition resulted in more crime and smuggling.
I agree with Stephanie on having to imply the strict laws along with the medical/background checks. It is the people who kill, not the gun. Thus, the people are the ones who should be regulated/controlled. Also, I agree that the 2nd Amendment should be amended to fit the the 21st century, not the 18th.
I agree with Stephanie on most of her comment. I highly support that the Laws should be arranged to fit the lives that we live today, full of mentally incapable people and violence. They need to be strict in limiting what is capable in society nowadays. I also agree in that taking something away will just lead to illegal smuggling and obtaining a gun would be greatly sought by many. There would be more controversy and backfire in this society.
In my opinion, changing the gun laws state-wide won't make a difference. Many people theses days already lost to their government years ago. Besides, the Consititution states it is the peoples' right to bear arms since the founding of the United States. If they manage to ban weapons from the state, it'll make the public roit on the streets. For example, When the Government prohibited alcohal back in the 1920's, many criminals and gangs tried to smuggle it from other countries or amking thier own called moonshine in which it succeded. If either the state or national government tried to prohibit guns and other similar weaponry, many people will resort to making their own. Weapons are also part of our economy. The National Rifle Association sponsers many politicians and they gain mos of thier money from them. With all of the facts I have provided, there is just no way the government can limit or prohibit guns in the states.
In my personal opinion gun control should be a little harder on people looking into getting guns, such as a more thorough background check. However, aside this fact I am a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment I believe that a much more thorough background check should be proposed. Making guns illegal will really cause a major riot which would cause even more trouble with guns then there already is. The right to bear arms is in the constitution so I believe that a right like can’t be changed now. Guns are way more than just a weapon for some people, a gun for some people can literally be their best friend. Many people use it as a way of feeling sane and help them feel safe in their safe haven (house). Another way of helping with this instead of banning them is having clips with a smaller capacity of bullets that it can hold.
I believe that gun control laws should not be changed state wide. I just think that it should be more difficult for an individual to accure a gun. There should be more restrictions for buying a gun arm. It is not fair that because of the actions of cartain individuals, a whole state must suffer. I do support the 2nd Amendment strongly. Americans should have the right to bear arms. Guns can honestly save someone's life. What if someone were to come into your house? You have to defend yourself and your belongings. If you are responsible, you will use a gun for the right reason, not as a toy. Honestly i think that changing the laws would not make any sort of sense or difference. People would still act inconsiderably.
I can honestly say that I am indifferent on the subject. Controlling guns at any level is a hard task for the government. I think that it is not the guns but the people that should be controlled. Clearly those people who have committed mass murder through shootings are mentally sick. It is even more sick when they are sane, thus the term sociopath. At the en of the day, however, the right to bear arms was written in a different era where weaponry was not as massively produced, and in an era that some believe to be irrelevant today. And today, the black market and other illegal sources of deadly weapons are only adding logs to the fire. Therefore, I think that perhaps it is just a matter of regulating the process of acquiring a gun, and of heavy background and psychological checks on buyers.
I do believe in the right to bear arms, but i also believe that there should be certain restrictions relating to owning a gun because over the time and recently people have abused the power given to them. I also believe that because we are the "United" States of America if we need to pass laws they should be equal and should apply to all states. I understand that enforcing the restrictions of guns will contradict the 4th,but as i said before people have taken advantage of it and something needs to be done.
i believe in the right to bear arms, because i believe that people should be able to protect themselves. but there should be more regulations on who can obtain a weapon. there should some kind of test showing that the person trying to get a gun would be responsible enough to get it. a person with a mental illness should not be able to get a gun no matter what they say. they wouldnt be able to handle the resposibility and the mind set of having a deadly weapon. many people die due the fact that many people have the wrong mind set of carrying a weapon.
Taking away our 2nd amendment would probably be the most idiotic thing to be done. If guns are banned, we might as well ban knives, pencils, scissors, and any other type of object that can cause harm. It's not the guns or weapons, it's all on the person. If they really want to cause harm, they can easily find a way. With that said, I believe the gun laws are fine the way they are now. If we even banned certain guns, this opens up another whole illegal trafficking market. Guns are already out in the world, just because they're said to be "illegal" will literally mean nothing. I also think that background checks cannot be helpful in every situation either because people can turn their lives around for better and I speak from witnessing this myself. Everyone can keep pointing fingers, but in the end, the government would have no say in who can obtain guns and what harm can be caused even without guns.
This is in reply to everyone talking about background checks. Not specifically to every person with a bad history, but just because they did something wrong in the past doesn't show who they are at the present time (also depending on the crime). You cannot claim them to be a criminal all their life. Along with the checks of being "mentally ill" make no sense. Of course guns aren't being giving to the mentally ill. The point of this are the shootings going on, these people sure were smart in what they were doing and handy with the guns in their hand. What type of test can even be given out? These people obviously won't show what they're going to do with the guns or show they're "insane".
i agree with you a 100% there is no way to tell what a person might or might do in the future. Not everyone who wants to do harm can be identified they could be you're average good samaritan until one day they snap. There is no test in the world that could be given to see if a person is fit to hold a gun or not for the rest of their lives.
I believe that the 2nd amendment is one of the most important amendments that we have. It allows us to have the power to protect ourselves from people who want to do harm to us. I think that the laws that we have now are perfectly fine. Adding gun control laws is idiotic and will do nothing to solve the problem of shootings. Guns do not kill people, people kill people guns are not the problem here people are. Adding restriction would do nothing to change what is going on if at all it would cause more harm than good. it would make way for illegal gun trafficking adding another problem to our plate.
i do believe that the right to bear arms is a good thing but on one hand its really so much on gun control that we need its idiot control because at the end of the day no matter how hard you press on gun restrictions and try to limit who gets said fire arm there is always going to be that dark alley around the corner, but that doesn't mean we should ban all together because that fire arm is really the thin line between life and death sometimes. Gun control can be more restricted as to the steps on how said gun is received but its always going to be a sketchy topic on both ends.
i completely agree with you john i also feel that the security is put at risk due to bad procedure done at mac and that steps should be taken to strengthen the schools security.
In my opinion the states should change their policies towards Gun control and Ownership, but the states reform policy should not, under any circumstances, be taken to the extreme point where we lose our 2nd right. This would cause citizens and other people to be irritated by such an act and it would cause to much turmoil.
I would say causeing many high caliber gun to be illegal just isn't needed now or ever. What should be done it an exam to see if that person is mentally ready to hold a weapon or not. Yet again most people who do end up killing others.
I agree with you on the high caliber rifle part , but low caliber weapons are smaller and easier to conceal. The exam would be good , but some people might get mad about it.
I agree that a test should be done to see if they are mentally ready to use a gun, but i also believe that they should have more laws to limit the selling of high caliber guns.
I do not think gun control law should be changed. Gun stores should be more strict about what kind of weapons they sell and who they sell it too. The only reason some people buy weapons is to go hunt animals. They should make more hunting weapons because they are hard to be concealed. The problem is the pistols and the small machine guns made. Phones weapons are very easy to be hidden. They should stop making small weapons and make bigger weapons. It will be easier to notice it.
Gun controll should be changed state wide in my opinion. All states should be strict on who buys a firearm and for what reason. I believe that anyone who has a clean record and doesn't have any mental issues should be allowed to purchase a gun. Those who have even the smallest criminal record shouldn't have a firearm in possetion specially if they have a mental issue because it seems like in todays world everyone that has done harm so far and taken lives seems to have issues mentally. Maybe that's what people use as the excuse but still should be one for taking innocent lives and that's why rules should be stricter on buying a firearm in any state around. I do believe in the right to bear arms but only to a certain extent. Not all should have the power to carry a fire weapon. Only those who are lisenced with no criminal record and no mental issues like I said before.
I don't agree with you that states should be strict on for what reason a person buys a firearm for. This will lead to having a lot of paper work being done for buying a gun for hunting, sport, or self defense.
I believe that law on guns should not change. I'd rather change the laws on how to acquire one. I'm not saying it should me more strict, just that we need to change it to make sure tat the wrong people don't get their hands on them. Also I think that parents should never allow their kids to know that they have a gun in the house and that they should be kept safe, never loaded, and out of sight. I don't believe that anyone with a mental issues should be allowed to own or use a gun. Opening more programs for gun safety wouldn't hurt either. I strongly believe in the right to bear arms. Every American should be able to own a gun but criminals with serious offenses shouldn't.
i agree with what you mentioned on the gun safety programs. I believe that by educating people more about guns they can know the pros and cons about firearms.
I believe that the rules for obtaining a fire arm should be changed. There must be a background check, medical record check, drug test, etc. And if the individual has a minor offenses and has done no time should have a psychological examination before purchasing a fire arm. As for assault rifles, however, there should be tracking on military grade firearms such as those. Just because one passes all the necessary criteria doesn't mean it could fall into the wrong hands.
I think the laws should change instead of just completely stopping it. There should be different requirements. If they have some history from holding a weapon they should not be able to own one. It will decrease crimes and help people feel safer in public places.
I agree with you, they can't take our right to bear arms, but the government can make it harder to purchase a gun for people that aren't responsible with it. It will certainly make our states more safer.
Yes, I believe that gun control laws should change state wide. We should still be able to own guns, but the government needs to make it more difficult for people to purchase them. For example,the consumer would have to present a background check and a mental analysis to be able to purchase a gun.I think by having more strict rules on guns its going to prevent chaos and disasters, like in sandy hook or lone star; also help save life's that can be lost.
The right to bear arms shouldn't change. Owning a gun protects people from any sort of harm. Even though guns are dangerous depending on the sort of people who own them, it is why they shouldnt fall into the wrong hands. So instead, the government should enforce other sorts of laws that will require a person to possess a gun a bit more difficult. To now possess a gun, a person should be required to take a variety of tests to determine whether they are mentally capable or have no major criminal background. If not, then they can not and should not become able to own a gun whatsoever. If one is able to, then that person should be responsible enough to keep it away from someone who is not mentally stable and could cause a serious danger. In all, the right to bear arms should stay, but also include certain details that will lower the chances of innocent lives being taken away.
I agree with gumby(nancy) gun laws should be enforced more largely rather than just make laws that try to restrict guns from the public. Some of the laws that we already have are working but they are no laws that require mental checks or the stability of the person.
I believe gun control laws should not change, because one should have the right to protect themselves and their family. We should have the right to bear arms. Guns don't kell people, people do. I do believe that it should be harder for people to get a license. For example,the person trying to purchase a gun would get a background check, and check for any mental disorders. Also, if guns were to be prohibited, people would still find a way to get one and take advantage of it.
I believe that gun control should change statewide. We should still be able to own guns in order for us to protect ourselves and our families, but only to a certain extent. The national government should implicate stricter requirements and thorough background checks to anyone who wants to own a gun. Because tragic massacres have been occurring lately and they should be put halt. Therefore, by implementing more demanding rules, then violence being committed would not be increasing at such a high rate.
I think that Gun control laws should be changed in order to make it more difficult for people to buy guns.They should make a background check for people who want to buy these weapons and a medical examination of how stable they are mentally. I do believe in the right to bear arms because we should be able to protect ourselves and our families from any one that wants to harm us.
I agree with Alvaro but at the same time kids are already getting a hold of illegal weapons. Stolen weapons are commonly used in robberies and then sold off to someone else to remove themselves from the ownership of the weapon. There will always be a way to play the system if there is money involved people will find their way to make their money.
In my personal opinion guns are something that was created by man. So why is man all of a sudden trying to change this system of firearms being made. If firearms would be to be removed from the population nation or even worldwide man has the resources to make them again. It’s something mankind is going to have to deal with. The government can’t control someone internally and know what people are going to do. People are different in every kind of way there is not one person alive that will have the exact same mentality as someone else. People do their own thing people wake up every day not knowing what the future holds for them. So I believe that just because people are being killed it is not probable cause enough to remove guns from people’s homes, and humans are going to die one day regardless no one has eternal life. For this reason of not knowing what people are thinking and what they’re going to do I do believe in the right to bear arms people have to be able to protect themselves some way. Guns were made by humans to be operated by humans’ weapons never hurt anybody it’s the person behind the weapon that causes bodily harm and the misuse of them.
I personally believe in the right to bear arms, having just turned 18, I myself would like to get a gun license and all that good stuff. However, I do believe there should be more regulations and restrictions on owning a gun as well as on who can obtain a gun. In light of recent events, it only makes sense to create regulations in attempt to control the amount of violence caused by the misuse of guns.
I completely agree with you Victoria, there is definitely a need for an increase in regulations over guns. If this country wishes to decrease the incidents revolving around firearms they must implement more rules and make the process in which a person acquires weapons more difficult.
I do believe that people have the right to carry a gun to protect themselves. But with the tragedies that have ocurred in the last few months I also think that the authorities should change the laws relating to the gun control. There is no reason to take them out of the market, but it is necessary to put stronger requirements for people who want to obtain a firearm . For example besides the background check, authorities also need to perform medicals test to be sure that the person that want to buy a firearm is in good mental health. Doing this may be the good thing that can return the safety to our country.
Gun control needs to simply become stricter, the requirements to own a gun should make it difficult for people to get their hands on one. Clearly people are misuising guns and taking advantage of our right to bear arms so things such as background checks, psychiatric evaluations, and gun safety classes should be made mandatory before a person has the right to own a gun. I think just putting more restrictions and actually enforcing them would make a huge difference.
I both agree and disagree with your proposal on gun control. I do think the government should do a better job of enforcing the already set control and I agree that such actions such as psychiatric evaluations should be given as well as gun safety. However, I do not believe that the already set gun control should be any stricter.
I agree with Yelitza to a certain extent. I believe people are misusing guns and taking advantage of their rights. However I disagree with her proposal on stricter restrictions. I think those restrictions should take place however they should not be available to everyone, except those extremely qualified like police officers and those in our military.
I agree with you Yelitza , People are taking advantage of our second amendment. Our founding fathers simply meant that we , as citizens, have the right to protect ourselves. We shouldn't ban the owning of a weapon, so i do agree we must become stricter. i believe you're methods of setting limits on owning a gun with improve the situation. Background checks will make certain that those who want to purchase a weapon, meet certain standards and have not had a violent past or police record. Psychiatric evaluations will help make sure that people are healthy and mentally able to own a firearm. and lastly, gun safety classes will prove that the buyer is prepared and knows how to handle the firearm to prevent any accidents. These suggestions help decrease gun related crimes, therefore, I completely agree with you on making gun control stricter.
I believe there should be a process that should be implemented in purchasing firearms. Sure we have background checks, but many gun retailers aren't doing them extensively or not checking at all. However, I believe that we need to have more than just a "check" but a process in which an individual will have to go through in order to obtain a firearm. The American public will always love their guns, so any means to keep them to purchase any firearms is merely impossible. I don't think the states should be stricter nor looser on the subject of gun "control." Though I do believe that the government should be more attentive with who is buying what,such seen as a employee of a grocery store closely checking inventory. I do believe that the public should bear arms, for its original purpose of revolting against the government if need be. Even though the constitution is a document that dictates power between state and the three branches of government. The constitution also gives the fourth branch of government power to over rule the other three. The fourth branch of government is define within the preamble stating, "We, the people of the United States..."
I believe that more regulations should be started up so that guns are not so easily acquire. The banning of assault rifles I would not agree on, I would say that there should be higher regulations to get them and also a specific place in which they can be used. I do believe in the second amendment and my guess would be that when the founding fathers said that we had the right to bear arms mostly for the purpose that we may defend ourselves or the country in case of any foreign invasion.
I totally agree. Things have changed alot since those times and now people need to be watched more. It would be safer if there were more places like gun ranges where people could use the guns without taking them out into society where they could decide to do something risky. Banning guns completely could create an outrage and it wouldn't be hard to get control of people once you take of their rights away.
I believe everyone should have the right to posses and carry firearms. However, there should be laws passed and regulations one must go through to posses a gun. I don't believe everyone misuses the right to bear arms. The media frames the gun control topic and people believe everything being said. Viewers of news channels believe that every shooting is caused by shooters who have easy access to guns. But it's more on the person themself. So my view is that accessing firearms should be treated very crucially and strictly then it is now.
I agree with Ceci, the shootings are caused by the person having personal issues not because of the gun itself. Guns just don't shoot themselves, some people just shouldn't have guns. They should make restrictions for this.
I very strongly and firmly agree with the 2nd amendment. People should have the right to have a gun, the only thing i think would help would be to add a test to the process of a getting a gun. They already do background checks on the person buying a gun, so i dont why people are saying to get a background check. On a onther note what is a medical check going to do? What does a persons state of health have to do with him being able tp buy a gun? I believe the other test that should be added to the process is a psychiatric test, to see if the person is adequate to own a firearm.
I believe gun laws should change. Being a republican state, we tend to be very conservative, but we sure do love our guns. I think this is an outrage. Although many people will not agree with me, I believe guns should not be made available to just anyone. Most people believe that their should be stricter requirements to getting a gun, but I think otherwise. I believe the typical citizen should not have a gun. Too many "accidents" and most importantly tragedies have occurred in which innocent people have been injured and killed. I believe we should stop this completely. I still believe police officers and the army and such should have guns but only after undergoing proper gun training. It is time that we stop hurting innocent people just simply because of our selfishness or because we suddenly become angered. It is unfair to those around us and the families of those we end up hurting or killing.
I dis agree with sandra because if you regulate guns and only give them to certain people or hardly nobody at all. People can easily buy guns from somebody off of the streets. If that happens its going to be a lot more crime and easier for people to rob other people knowing that nothing can happen to them because all the guns have been outlawed and banned.
I strongly disagree with Sandra due to the fact she stated,” I believe the typical citizen should not have a gun.” In my opinion that is a problem that not everyone can protect their family. So if everyone is not allowed to have guns anymore that would mean citizens would have to give up their guns that they already have. Who’s going to pay them back the money they spent on them? Because guns are prices are expensive. The only citizens who would give up their guns would be the law abiding citizens and the crooks who are up to no good would keep them making it even MORE unsafe for the INNOCENT people you’re trying to protect Sandra.
Gun control laws should not be changed state wide due to the importance they are to the economy with the sell of these weapons and by keeping the safety in society as well. Yes, there is a plethora of problems that arises with people just having the capability of having a gun under control, but the guns aren't really the problem. The problem is mainly the mind of the people in this society. I believe that only certain people have the right to bear arms. There is always a need for common innocent citizens to be protected, and for reliable people then they should be able to own some sort of gun. There needs to be a regulation for really good check on people’s background, mental state, and true intentions with an arm. Gun controls laws are of great benefit to this society, but true management needs to be more efficient.
I agree with raul that guns do protect the innocent from the dangers of the world and provide a safer place for citizens to live in and that guns need to be maintained better so that people wont get hurt.
I believe we need to not only enforce our already set regulations regarding gun control but also introduce stricter regulations such as a background check when purchasing a gun, a continuing national data base of every gun purchase, a training and a test to see if the purchaser can use a gun accurately and safely, like the process people are subjected when taking out a driving licence, and a mental health test. On banning assault rifles, I agree that people should be able to defend themselves yet military weapons such as these in the hands of civilians are not needed. The purpose of these guns is not to hunt but to kill people in a war zone.
we need to change the law and make it stricter about what type of guns are allowed for civilins.assult riffles are not needed for slef protection but in the end no matter what restrictions we place we still need to get to understand our fellow man better in order to stop acts of violence from occuring.
I believe that US citizens that wants to buy a gun should go through a program where they are educated on how to use a gun properly and for the right reasons. Also they will have to get a background check.
First off i do believe in the second amendment the right to bear arms. I rather be caught with having a gun rather than not having one. There is a lot of crazy people in the world, and i would like to be able to protect myself against someone else that has a gun too. Trying to change state laws on gun control, and trying to banned all semi auto matic weapons is crazy. Guns are like drugs, no matter how hard we try to stop them people on the streets are always going to have them. The second amendment doesnt explain to a great extent on what does it mean to the right to bear arms. If anything needs to be changing for the safety of everyone; the second amendment should or even be re written. The amendment should go into detail on what guns people should be able to have and protect themselves with. They cant just ban guns in the states without at least changing the amendment because than the government is just taking away one of our rights.
Darius has the same point I have, no matter how hard we try and weed out the people who are intending bad things, violence will always be in existence. Allowing people the right to protect themselves against these threats will at least give us a chance if one of these tragedies took place in our presence.
I agree with Darius because i want to be able to protect myself when i feel as if i am trying to be harmed. And because of all the people out there using these weapons in violent ways shouldn't effect me as an individual trying to protect my self.
I believe in the right to bear arms. There's a reason why our founding fathers wrote that in the constitution for us to have. I don't think they should take that right away from us just because of stupid decisions people make. Banning guns will just make this country bad and miserable. I believe there would be more violence because people will try getting guns illegaly. I think gun laws should be more restricting on who is able to obtain guns. They should make it a bit harder for people to access them but not completely impossible. The government shouldn't take away our rights, just reenforce them. Banning them will cause problems.
I too believe that we the people have the right to bear arms in order to protect ourselfs, but when the founding fathers wrote it in the constitution i dont think that they could have meant high caliber rifles with a large capacity mag that could easily mow down a group of people. Im not saying that they should outright ban weapons, i just think that they should have more measures when selling a weapon
I believe in the second amendment, the right to bear arms. However, i do think getting a gun should be much harder so not just anyone can get one. I believe if guns were at a much higher price and obtaining a gun license was way harder, less people would have them. Also, i think in order to recieve a gun, people should undergo a full background check.
I agree with what you are saying. I feel that we should be willing to become much more strict with the requirements needed to obtain and posses a gun. Requirements such as gun licenses and permits should be made difficult to acquire. Also increasing gun cost and a full background check, I feel, would aid to ensure that not just anyone can obtain a gun but yet still have equal opportunity to acquire one.
i strongly believe in the right to bear arms because we have the right to have our own arms for our protection. But there is some people who don't use these weapons to protect them but to harm others. Guns don't hurt people, the person holding the trigger is the one hurting the other person. i believe that they should make buying a gun a bit more harder because now a days, anybody can buy a gun. i think that they should be more strictly on purchasing a gun. The guns were made to protect people from those who wanna hurt them, they were never made to hurt people, but there is a lot of crazy people out there that wanna hurt others.
Although stricter gun laws will assist in weeding out some applicants who aren't mentally fit, there will always be cases that couldn't be avoided. Like the Sandy Hook shooting, that man never applied for a gun license, he just knew someone who had a gun. His mental problems never raised a flag. The only way to effectively stop these mass shootings and horrible tragedies is to outlaw guns completely. However, that would never happen. State wide, I believe that our gun laws are strict, and making them any stricter wouldn't do much in my opinion. Because there is no way to fully stop gun violence, i do believe in the right to bear arms. By definition, it is the right to protect ourselves. We all know they aren't always used for that reason, but if we weren't allowed to have guns, when there was a situation in which someones life is at risk, we wouldn't be able to protect ourselves.
I do think that people have the right to bear arms. Even though there are out there that use them for the wrong reasons doesn't give the right to take them away from those that use guns the right way. Now making stricter process in getting a licensed weapon To make sure that the people getting weapons have no bad recent history with a gun. So those owning a gun for protection are not affected by others with vilent intentions. But still a gun doesnt make a violent person because they are stil violent with or without one. So making weapons ahrder to get would be a step forward in reducing the chances of incidents involved with guns.
I believe that the right to bear arms is necessary. Gun control has been a bit out of hand concerning the sandy hook shooting and the aurora shooting but the U.S needs to be stricter on who they are selling guns to. That means enforcing background checks and other information necessary to determine whether this person is capable of holding a gun. Also i blame those shootings on lack of security because you never see big cities being attacked like that. So i believe that isolated locations need to improve in their security to help prevent killings like these. We cant stop crazy people from doing crazy stuff but we can prevent it from happening like this.
More people die each year to sicknesses, knives, or other weapons, etc, than to guns. A gun does not kill a person a person kills a person. A law only effects the ones who follow it. This mainly means that even if you take away the guns the felons will still have access to guns no matter what. Crime will most likely get worse since no one will have the protection they need. (if they take away gun control.) Law enforcement will have to double time in order to keep up with the crime. More murders may happen since people may not have the protection they need. The felonies that people commit is for a reason. Like i have stated before, even if you take away the guns the only people who will be affected are the ones who follow the law, not the ones who you think are going to do something bad. So yes I believe in the right to bear arms.
I agree with Rachel if guns are taken away criminals now have an even greater advantage over law abiding citizens since the law abiding citizens can't protect themselves and yes people kill and murder each other innocently guns just happen to be the weapon in the person who killed the other with many believe and say it the guns get rid of guns but you don't see so many people complaining about cars which kill thousands a year and are just as violent as guns the right to bear arms was given to the american people for a reason because even the founding fathers found having the right to have a gun is important and it is.
I agree with Rachel with people kill people, just happens to be that they use a gun to hurt each other. Cops would have to work harder, but doesn't mean they would succeed in keeping the people safe. Sometimes the people take better care of themselves than the law since they take forever to get to a scene.
The best way to prevent all of this from getting anymore out of hand is too set more rules on who can use guns. Too many of our people are against the whole banning of gun use and there's no way they will give up on it anytime soon. Precautions do need to be taken to see if the person purchasing the gun(s) is mentally stable. However, things do happen and life does change for some people. We can never truely know when someone is going to just CLICK and go off on society because of what has happened to them. We will probably never find a good enough solution to this dilema due to the different views our government has from our own. There will always be continuous friction on this topic if changes are going to be made, but like I said, all we can do is add some more rules to who can have access to the guns.
There are many accidents caused by other weapons that aren't guns so do we ban those items also? My opinion is that we shouldn't change the gun law. If our country founders thought it was so necessary to add it into the Bill of Rights and Constitution then it was needed. Changing something that been there for hundreds of years then let it be. If we changed the law then who'd take the guns? What would they do with the guns? How would we know if everyone gave up their guns up? The only people who will give up their guns would be law abiding citizens and the crooks who are up to no good would keep them and use them against the people who follow the rules. Which the people who followed the rules would only suffer for the idiots in our country.
I agree that not only would taking the guns away be a problem but that the process of depriving citizens of their weapons would pose an even bigger dilemma. Especially in Texas where we take pride in owning guns.
I think that if the government takes away the right to bear arms the situation will just get worse. People will still try to find a way to get a gun. Instead I think that if someone wants to get a gun they should only use it for life or death situations. A gun is not a toy and therefore should not be sold to just anyone. There should be test to prove that the person wanting to own a gun is not mental.
I do not think that gun control should be changed state wide. If we did change it that would actually hurt ourselves because we would not be able to defend ourselves as effectively as possible. Criminals are always going to be able to get a hold of guns, so changing the gun laws would not do the state or nation any good
Although I agree with the fact people need to protect themselves, but let's not allow people the power to level anywhere from between a school to a city. Guns and gunholders need limitations so we don't enable the wicked for some advancement. So, to an extent, gun control laws are necessary, however, we mustn't reach extremities.
Guns and ammunition have been taxed heavily due to the president wanting to restrict guns from his first term. Laws against guns harm the average Joe who abides by them and goes through all the procedures to acquire a gun and the skills necessary to protect things dear to that person. Guns are meant to protect laws such as the 7 bullet rule will harm people and murders by guns will raise do to this because burglars and other people who choose to break the law will carry more than the amount that one should have and home owners and law abiding citizens will be harmed more in this situation. I believe that Americans have the right to bear arms however i feel reform and ways to obtain a weapon should be met to even obtain a weapon. In a way i think like cars in order for people to drive they must pass a series of test to obtain a permit and be a certain age to by and be qualified to drive a similar action should be carried out for guns so only the qualified and licences guns man can obtain such a deadly weapon. With each state implementing a piece of the puzzle there should be some type of gun reform so that both citizens can have the right to protect themselves and stop criminals and non law abiding citizens.
I completely agree Roy, guns are even more dangerous that cars so why not hold it to a standard and only allow people that pass a test of sort be able to attain such weapon. There are too many people out with guns that make me scratch my head and ask who would give something so deadly to this idiot, they are the real criminals.
I believe in the right to bear arms but I also believe that some people should not be allow to even hold a gun. Everybody has the right to buy a gun when they don't feel safe and want to protect themselves and family. Many innocent people are being kill by sick people who are misusing the guns. That's why I believe the law should make it harder to buy a gun by making stricter medical and criminal background check. Banning the use of guns will not solve the problem, but only leave many people unprotected and more vulnerable.
In the first place, this is a very hot topic, gun control laws shouldn’t just be changed state wide, nationwide, but worldwide. These gun crimes going on recently have gone out of control. I believe that there should be a very strict policy regarding the selling and buying of guns. Something has to be drastically done in order for things to change. Contraband of firearms is a serious business amongst many countries, and this is something that many Americans don’t see as a serious issue that should be on top of our nation’s agenda. Like seriously, how many more Virginia tech’s or Columbine’s is it going to take for the government (big brother) to put an end to all these incidents going on nationwide? I do believe that we should have the right to bear arms because it gives us that sense of self-defense towards ourselves. We as humans have that urge to defend things at all cost, and that’s something that makes us all human. It’s not really the guns that kill people like everybody says; it’s not the bullet that kills the person either. It’s the person behind the gun shooting it that makes a rational decision to either take a life or save it. Regardless of how you might put it, at the end of the day, humans are still the ones creating the bullets.
Of course gun control laws have to be implemented in the states. The big brother has given the people too much freedom when it comes to firearms. Yes we as people want all the liberty and freedom we can get but once the a bad group of citizens abuse the privilege something has to give. Yes, I am a firm believer in the right to bear arms but to a modern day extent. Everyone should have the right to have a weapon in case of an emergency but that doesn't mean, " oh, lets go buy all these guns and start a shootout with the neighbors". That is not what the founding fathers envisioned when writing the 2nd amendment. However times have change drastically and now just about any idiot can get there little hands on guns. I believe the higher caliber guns should be band because why would a regular, ordinary citizen need one. "Sasquatch" I don't think so. The market should only be able to sell reasonable guns like the ones used for hunting, we don't need people running around with high caliber semi-automatic rifles. If America wants to get wacky why doesn't the government do the same and rise the prices on guns and ammunition. They can also heavily fine people caught owning a gun without a license. We as Americans truly need and value the right to bear arms, however a new time calls for a new change.
Gun control laws should definitely be implemented into our society's rule book, however, outlawing them completely will not solve anything. So with that said, gun control should be state wide in the sense that the local communities should determine the availability of guns with the community. Personally, I would keep the previous laws as is, just assure that mass homicide case weapons aren't amongst the approved guns list. The right to bear arms is without a doubt a right we must embrace because the "strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
I believe in the right to bear arms because there should be a way people can protect themselves. I don’t believe that by taking guns away people would be safer because the insane would always find a way to harm others. Even without guns there are sharp objects everywhere that in the hands of the wrong person could hurt someone. What could be done is having a strict policy like having to take classes, background check of any crimes or a mental sickness. If people were to get a hold of a gun illegally, the purchases of bullets could be made stricter. Make sure the person who is buying the bullets is licensed and the stores keep a record of how many bullets were bought, but taking guns away is not the solution.
I believe in the purpose behind the 2nd amendment and not necessarily with what the amendments states. I believe people should have the right to protect themselves in dangerous or threatening situations. I believe we should have the right to a means of safety, a feeling of security; the power to protect. That is what the 2nd amendment gives us, or at least what we hope to believe the 2nd amendment gives us. However, the truth is the right to bear arms gives us this sense of protection in a manner that can be easily abused, manipulated, twisted, and corrupted to cause undoubtedly terrible acts of violence. For this reason, and also simply because guns have already integrated into many households of United State citizens and the modern day society we live in; ultimately forsaking any chance that we as a society could ever completely do away with guns, I believe that gun control laws should be changed state wide. Many states currently enforce gun control laws that require for a person to obtain a license or permit in order to purchase or possess firearms. Other states require that individual firearms to be registered with the police or with another law enforcement agency. Another gun control law places restrictions on certain semi-automatic firearms that can hold more than a certain number of rounds of ammunition. And yet, gun violence is still a common occurrence in our society. Statistics show that in the year 2005 11,346 people were killed by gun violence and 477,040 people were victims of crimes that involved the use of a gun. Add that with the most recent gun related tragedies that have struck this nation with in the past year alone and that itself is reason alone to change gun control laws state wide.
Gun control should remain in a matter of federal concern and not state, as each state will have their own opinion also including the people composing the state (religion, race, political affiliation, etc.) I do believe in the right to bear arms and I also believe the government shouldn't just hand out licences to anyone that is above a certain age, is able to pay a fee and pass a test to obtain a firearm. We should put more restrictions on those who are allowed to have the right to bear arms especially civilians... if they're mentally adequate. Of course anyone that is a veteran or serving should be able to have the right to bear arms because they have the training and understand the consequences. Overall unless it's for sport, civilians should be restricted to a vigorous psychological examination before obtaining a firearm.
To a certain extent I believe that gun control laws should be changed statewide. I also believe in the right to bear arms. Sure there should be a stricter process as into how the guns are distributed but banning them won't help anything. Guns bring a safe state of mind to those who own them. Guns don't kill people, stupid people with guns do! Guns should only be sold to those who are licensed to carry one.
I agree with Damien on the right to bear arms is something we should protect but also with the idea of a stricter process on gun distribution. I support his belif on guns dont kill people; It's the people who are in possession on the guns who make stupid decisions and kill prople.
I believe in the right to bear arms, and I don't believe that right should be taken away. However, I do believe that gun control laws should be changed, a bit. I think it's too easy to get a hold of a gun. There should be a more than routine check ups when someone is purchasing a gun. For example, a person who wants to purchase a gun should not only be checked on their criminal record, but they should also check if they, or someone in their household who may have access to their gun, has any type of mental disorder or is suffering through depression. I believe it should be much more difficult for people to purchase guns, but they shouldn't be taken off the shelf. Not only would that be unconstitutional and drive the people into crazy riots, but it would also make people resort to illegal methods of getting a hold of guns.
I believe gun control laws should not be dealt with state wide,it should be a bit more difficult to access them such as having the purchaser have a criminal,and medical background check. However, I stand firm in believing in the right to bear arms. Banning the use of firearms/assault rifles will not resolve the problem. In fact it leaves the people who are responsible, vulnerable to the inhumane ones. Being able to protect yourself at all times is a major factor in keeping the right. For example a burglar might run into your house and try to murder all your family for a couple of bucks. Well that's why you have a weapon to protect yourself and to annihilate the son of a gun(no pun intended). Removing weapons doesn't mean guns will be removed completely off the grid. Ever heard of the black market? You can expect that business to be booming, and what happens to innocent people who are left abiding by the rules. Easy targets if you ask me. Keeping guns is for keeping yourself safe at all times, people see getting rid of guns as the solution to stopping all these shootings, well it's not. When a person has their mind set on killing someone or a group of people they'll find a way no matter what, they'll venture into the unknown to succeed. Like i said before removing guns just gives the insane a motive to look for more ways of causing harm.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, I believe that a persom must receive criminal and medical background check before receiving a gun. It's a way to assure that we're doing a little more to keep evetyone safe.
Deletei agree things are not going to change just because the regulations change the only thing that it going to end up happening is that more people are going to get them illegaly making it more dangerous.
DeleteI agree with Gensel that there needs to be regulations on who should obtain a gun because it limits those who are incapable of handling a gun properly from obtaining a weapon. I also agree that flat out banning it will harm some citizens who need to protect themselves and open a world of smuggling and illegal gun sales. Those acts usually follow with higher crime rates and political tension.
Deleteyes gensel i agree that the american citizin has the right to protect him self and that outlawing firearms would increase black market activity so the only option is to restict the selling of guns and even stop the production of assult riffles that aren't for the military
DeleteFirst off i do believe in the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms. Simply because i feel every person has the right to defend themselves in a time of crisis or for safe recreational activities that follow the law. However the amendment should definitely be tweeked to meet our day and age. When the amendment was passed guns were very mediocre and our now obsolete. Guns were usually single shot and had a large lapse in time before they could be fired again due to slow reloading. Guns were also not as abundant as they are now. Guns now are relatively cheap, easy to obtain, and very deadly. What should be changed is the process on how to obtain a gun, raise the prices, and outlaw the heavier artillery. A stricter screening process should be used when trying to purchase a gun. Prices for guns as well should be spiked high in order to stop the raise in demand for guns. Guns will always be relevant in society, but we can limit the accessibility of them.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, things have changed from back in the day. We need laws that are in our times, that can accommodate to the sort of weapons that are available to us.
DeleteI agree with the change in time and technology. Just as the internet and nuclear weapons and computers have come along, they then brought along the development of new lawas and regulations. Guns shouldn't be an exception from this either.
DeleteI agree with you on limiting the accessibility of guns..we definitely need to make all guns harder to get
DeleteI agree with you, that the screening process should be made stricter, and the prices should go up to low accessability, but I believe we shouldn't suffer those prices because of the radicals that use firearms to kill other.
DeleteI agree with Juan on limiting the access of guns. Times have changed dramatically on how easy it is to gain control of a gun. The wrong people are in hand of guns so I agree with him on making it a stricter screening process when purchasing a gun. Laws should be passed to change the accessability of guns.
DeleteAlthough I partly disagree with Juan's first statement. I do agree with him completely in that the pricing of guns should be spiked high in order to limit the accessibility to them. I think that should be the first step in possibly banning all guns from the general public.
DeleteI do believe in some additional gun control but not to put an end to guns as a whole. I've had my experience with guns recreationally in Boy Scouts and they are fun, and I am sure they are even more enjoyable when hunting. I do believe that everyone should have the right to own a firearm to use in case of emergencies where they are or feel in danger. But there are some people that do not deserve the privilege of owning a gun, like repeating offenders or the mentally ill. Background checks and training have to be further enforced and military-grade firearms should be taken off the streets, as they are of exaggerated use. But until then, devastating events like the recent public shootings, will only have the same chance of happening again, and absolutely no American wants that for another, fellow American. Participating in firearm training and background checks now should be a way for everyone to show their respect for those lost in these recent unfortunate events.
ReplyDeleteThe process of recieving a gun should be more difficult than it is right now. The person should recieve a criminal and medical background check to be safer. There should be a law innacted that states that a gun is only for protection at your home. If someone breaks into your home and tries harming your family, shooting the person will not be against the law, but it also must be proven that it was self diffense. If someone gets you mad and you shoot at them and you're at home then you would be breaking the law. Even though the right to bear arms is part of our amendments, there should still be regulations and requirements that people must follow so our home could be a better place for everyone.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because it's starting to seem like guns are becoming easier for the public to purchase with out a license. If medical background checks and criminal background checks are done then guns won't be in the wrong hands of people.
DeleteI agree with you Margarita. There are some cases where if you fire an arm it would be self defense. Buying guns is easy now instead there should be test done because not everyone should be able to buy a gun.
DeleteGuns shouldn't be outlawed for people will still find a way to get them..however we should make getting a gun license much harder.We should do both criminal background and medical history and also make it harder for petiole to get bigger fire arms
ReplyDeleteThey already do criminal background checks and medical history. If guns were outlawed i can tell you now i would still find ways to get them.
DeleteYes I agree
DeleteGuns should not be outlawed. The 2nd amendment is what we use to defend ourselves. I believe it's not the way to resolve gun issue. Guns have changed over the course of history. From a single arrow on a crossbow, Single bullet in musket, to more advance semi and full automatic rifles to high power weapons. But I think they shouldn't enforce it. But use a criminal and medical history check on the buyer if they are purchasing a gun to make everything safer. Many times it's psychological issue that triggers a bloodbath and mass murder throughout america or any part of the world. I've had experiences with guns during my time in Europe and Japan. And it was pretty cool to use it. It's for only self-defense when a person breaks in your private property. Or being in a gun-fight in your own home or lawn. But in all, I think it shouldn't be ban. Guns are use to protect ourselves or anyone close to us. And it helps to make society more safer.
ReplyDeleteI agree with making a background check on anyone who is buying a gun. It'll help make the community more secure. Outlawing guns will only make the public rely on the black market for guns. MURICA
DeleteGuns should never ever be outlawed. I believe in right to bear arms.We cant just go and change that amendment. Its all the people with mental problems that go and mess it up for everyone. The only resort would be not letting license a assault rifle to those with medical background like Aggressiveness,being bi polar sickness, and etc. Taken them off the market wont solve a single thing. Its just going to make us gun lovers angry. I guarantee all you that are for banning assault rifles , if assault rifles are banned massacres will still happen. God forbid it but banning wont help it... just the truth...
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because no matter what the gov't does there will still be killings and assault rifles will still be on the street,such as many other guns are right now.
DeleteI agree with Japhet because Gun control isn't bad until a person uses them for unlawful crimes. Plus if a ban of Guns happens, it won't effect the people unless law enforcement steps in an enforce the state law. Either way people will find a way to get a Gun in their hands.
Deletefor sure i will i can tell you that now!
DeleteI agree that making guns illegal will result in riots of angry citizens.
DeleteI think that the laws should be changed state wide. There should be more strict regulations to acquire a gun. I think that if a person wants to buy a gun, a medical study should be made. If any type of mental illness is present then that person should not be able to buy a gun. Innocent people have died from gun shooting, stricter gun controls will save lives. I do believe in the right to bear arms but some times I wonder "what if a madman/woman comes to school and starts shooting at everybody?" I'm afraid that someday that could happen. To prevent such horrible acts, schools should have more strict rules towards who enters the school. Gun banning is not the answer to stop the killing of people.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the stricter accessibility being established. People argue that it will make no difference and that gun abuse will continue, but it will impact the rate at which it is happening which could result in saving one more life compared to doing nothing at all, and that one life is worth the change.
DeleteI agree that there should be more strict regulations and that the person would have to go through studies to find out if they're capable of owning a gun.
Deletei agree with you Alejandra that there should be more strict regulations to acquire a gun because it is really easy to have access to a gun. More studies or test should be made in order to purchase a gun that way you can know the type of person that is buying the gun. Guns will always find there way around a situation, the best thing to do is just to be safe and handle the situation in a proper way.
DeleteI believe in the right to bear arms because me, myself take advantage of the right. I just turned 18 today and bought my shotgun at academy. Guns don't kill people, people do. With that being said if you had a criminal record involving violence then i think you having a gun should be considered and decided by a court. Background checks are a must before purchasing a gun, even at a gun show. Medical records should be checked as well because every time there is a mass murder or just a murder period, they claim to be "mentally insane or sick". At the end of the day our right cant be taken away just because another individual doesn't care about their life or someone elses.
ReplyDeleteI think the guns policy right now is okay for the most part one thing that could change would have to be how people can be issued guns. An example, would be like to do a background check on people and to continue to monitor them after they have been issued a gun of any size.
ReplyDeleteAnd about the right to bear arms, I believe that is a right for each person that should't be changed because some idiots can't control what they do with their guns. It can serve as a extra protection tp people's everyday life if used properly.
I agree because anyone can get a gun and may lie about how they are going to use it. They should be more strict about the way someone can get a gun and monitor it.
DeleteMayda monitoring it would not work out. It just would not feel comfortable to gun owners. Personally i would hate to have that happening.
DeleteI in my personal belief, believe that banning firearms, is not the answer that people are looking for. Having a stricter and lengthier acceptance process of buying and licensing for a gun is the answer. Most of "us", the non mentally corrupted people should not have our right to bear arms taken away just because of a few of a bunch of people, feeling the need to attract attention to themselves at any way even if it means killing others, should have there right for protection taken away. The media does not report the amount of people that own a weapon can and do no use it to kill people, they just shown the most attracting stories. The process for obtaining a license should be stricter, and have a decrease in the acceptance rate of how many people are allowed to own a gun. If the ban of firearms is made, one can be assured that the black market will have a grand success as the result of the ban.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I am Jason Ruiz 1st pd.
I agree that the black market will succeed in making revenue. However, I don't believe that stricter laws will make a significant impact. The psychopaths will always find a way to get a weapon with or without the stricter rules. I agree that the media always focuses on who killed who. A majority of people believe that gun control will save us but in reality can lead to our nations downfall.
DeleteI also believe putting an end to firearms is just going to make a more sharp and dangerous turn. The laws just have to be more strict.
DeleteGuns shouldn't be changed state wide but there does need to be a significant change in how guns are controlled. Extensive medical and bckground checks are not enough to prove if a person will kill another person. It is something that can just happen. Obviously a person with psychological issued should not be given a gun to own. However, whether there is gun control or not people will always find a way to exchange firearms or something worse can be created. It's human nature. I believe in the right to bear arms unfortunately because our lives are at risk. One needs to protect themselves from the violence and cruelty. Gun control will not resolve an issue and will not prevent killings from happening. New weapons will be created because of technological advances. I guess I can say I'm for and against gun control because its something that can't be controlled. Revolt and rebellion is part of humanity. Limiting and restricting firearms is not the solution. Its an issue that can be discussed for a very long time but ultimately it leads to one answer: it will not even make a difference in the statistics that are shown today.
ReplyDeleteYour right, people will find a way no matter what to get a hold of firearms even if they were banned which truly sucks. Its a shame that the founding fathers didnt know what their dumb law would turn into.
DeleteI agree that technology increases drastically which leads to better ways of killing someone without a gun.Even our own education makes it more highly for us to use it in forming a killing mechanism just as we have seen college students target universities with terrorist bomb attacks.
DeleteYou made a very important statement, "Extensive medical and background checks are not enough to prove if a person will kill another person." There should be control throughout the community. This can influence a better action by the government. It would also aid in the decision making process. If people would think about the long run consequences guns bring, it's obvious they'll understand the need for the law.
DeleteI don't think the gun law should be changed, it is one of our rights I think it would create a big commotion if the law were to be changed. The guns themselves are not dangerous, it is the person holding it or owning it that makes it be dangerous or not. Someone can own a gun for hunting or to have it in their home in case if something happened. Another thing is that we see guns being used to kill people,in war for example; everyone says that violence is bad then why do we go to war? Is not the right that's a problem, is the people. Even if gun were taken away people will find different methods to inflict harm. Most of the people will more than likely still get guns, make it illegal all you want but we do what we are told not to. Before the guns go, fix all the "crazy" people, their the problem not the guns.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that if laws are changed it would become a big commotion, but I do believe that states should be strict on who buys guns now in days. Maybe by checking criminal records and wether the one buying a firearm has any mental issues. Of course we use guns for safety but there are those who dont know how to handle one and do think its a toy.
DeleteI agree with you Mayda. A gun does not shoot itself. Any sane person can change from one moment to another and changing the law will create so much commotion because it is a big deal.
DeleteI think tha gun control laws should change to make it stricter to get a gun specialy after what we have seen lately. People with guns already have to pass setain requirements to get them so why not make it harder to get them because if they are serious about getting a gun to protect they should meet every single requiremwnt. I believe that we should have the right to bear arms for the single cause of protection. This is due to the fact that manny people over the years have commited crimes inside of homes that shouldnt had taken place if one has arms in the house it would be eassier to protect one self as long as they are kept at home(ready for when its time to protect oneself).
ReplyDeleteI think we should continue to have that right. The people need a means to protect themselves. It is a constitutional right for a reason. All people who qualify to exercise that right should be able to. Of course it is plainly obvious that some precautions need to be undergone as to make this right slightly more exclusive. They are far too accessible nowadays, hence the increasing gun abuse related crimes. however, these few people who have taken advantage of this right should not be the cause for everyone being stolen of it as well. if there were more restrictions to being able to have a gun were presented the rate of crime should, although not cease completely,begin to decrease which is a start.
ReplyDeleteGuns don't kill people. People kill people. However, guns do make it easier for people to commit murders. That is why I believe there should be some restrictions on owning a gun. I'm not saying that the government should make owning a gun illegal, because people will still find a way to get their hands on a gun, and use it against people who obey the law, and don't have one. For example, i believe that the only type of weapon that should be available to the people, are handguns, and only should be used in a life threatening situation. That is what what meant, when the second amendment was written. That a person was entitled to protect their lives. I do believe in the second amendment, because , as an American citizen, i feel like i have the right to secure my well-being, when i feel like my life is in danger. Of course i don't own a gun now, i'm not 21, but i believe that someone with a family would want to protect them.
ReplyDeleteIn a way I can agree with you but I still don't see why ban rifles. One thing that the nation should do is make some sort of exam for any consumer that is about to buy a weapon in order to see if they are sane and not a psychopath. But either way, not a bad response.
DeleteI agree with you, Luis in that there should be restrictions. People's choices are sometimes not the best and those who are innocent suffer. I agree that we should place restrictions and try to look out for people's well being.
DeleteStates shouldn’t take away guns from people the regulations should just become stricter to own one. For one we all have the right to bear arms. Meaning we can own a gun. Today the view of guns has changed due to all the shootings going on for example the Sandy Hook Elementary school, the shooting in Aurora Colorado, and the Lone Star College shooting. Guns are not toys but they certainly do not kill anybody it is the person operating it who kills people or someone. The constitution states the right to bear arms then isn't the law of the land? If people want to buy guns then it should be the right people buying them. In order for the right people to buy guns there must be some new requirements they meet such as them having a clean background and a physiological evaluation. Therefore guns wont be in the wrong hands.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your statement on stricter regulations for owning a firearm and do believe this can solve our problem with the bad name given to guns, which are supposed to serve for protection, unmonitored people give them. Though I do not agree on your view with the States being in charge of handling this right as each one can have a different say possibly making this the next gay marriage, abortion, marijuana debate.
DeleteGuns allow the people to to take matters into their own hands. It gives them the capability of protecting themselves when they are in danger. Guns are used to have fun, while being used with caution. However, it also takes humans life away. Gun control laws should meet a change to the point where there is more info on the buyer, and they should meet the requirements. People who want to buy guns, should undergo classes and historical background. This will ensure the safety of others around them. I believe in the right to bear arms because we should be allowed to be protected in life threatening situations.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to weapons, I do not see any good of changing gun laws in the nation. While there has been a lot of shootings in recent months, that does not mean that we should make carbine rifles illegal. What good would it make if we do? It would only cause more citizens to rebel against the law just like during the prohibition era. The nation complains about all of these recent shootings but yet our country murders too many innocent people around the world and they are not saying much about it. In the end this is just an opinion of mines but either way there is no need for changing the gun laws. If this were to take affect, America is losing its true meaning which is freedom.
ReplyDeleteI would have to agree with you on the point that America is losing it's meaning of freedom. A law restricting guns would cause and uproar from a lot of people in America.
DeleteI personally believe that guns shouldn't be totally banned but should have a tighter restriction on whether who can obtain it or not. However I believe the focus shouldn't be towards the guns but towards people. Human nature is naturally corrupt and there will always be violence whether through guns or another way. So the shift of attention should be to better our society and actually use the profit gained from guns toward funding education and the mentally disabled institution because an educated people know what’s right and what’s wrong, though not always, yet it will significantly reduce the crime rates associated with guns and other forms of violence.
ReplyDeleteGun laws are fine just the way they are people just need to use their common sense and not pull the trigger at first site.
DeleteMy comment is directed towards Harold's comment. I don't think the laws are necessarily fine. There are some improvements that could be made without causing so much uproar. There should at least be more strict background checks and a more strict process of purchasing the gun. I don't necessarily agree with banning guns, but if so, then the shootings around this country would most likely decrease. There's no way that you could have it completely stop, but it would help.
DeleteI don't necessarily agree with you David, because no matter what, even educated people will throw away the knowledge of right and wrong just to do what they feel should be done or act out of impulse without thinking of consequences for themselves or the people they are hurting. On top of that even with funding going towards better education, not everyone will take advantage of that.
DeleteI think gun control laws should be made stricter not just by state but by country because Americans are irresponsible. If guns had never been permitted outside of war we would not be in the spot we are now. People just take advantage of anything they get their hands on. If it were up to me, guns would be prohibited to anyone other than police,army, marines, etc. but only people who use it to protect the country, of course being realistic I know it would be impossible to pass that law now. Like I said, people use anything they get their hands on so why not just protect yourself with a bat or a knife? Guns should be prohibited to the everyday person in my opinion so no, I don't believe in the right to bear arms!!!
ReplyDeleteKarla I agree with you, with your point, some Americans are very irresponsible.
DeleteI agree on how you state that if guns had never been permitted outside of war we would not be in the spot we are now. People do take advantage of anything they get in their hands, the wrong people are holding on to the wrong things, and making wrong decisions! Like how you proved your point.
DeleteYes, guns don' t kill people, people kill people. But think of it this way.. Why are these people holding on to these guns? Do majority of these people holding guns have a gun license? Most of them, however, don't. I think they should be more strict on guns. Yes I do believe it is okay to have guns in your household to protect yourself and family. But I also do believe that guns shouldn't be given to the wrong people. Just like the first picture Mr. Pyle put up. That picture was a big example and had a lot to say about what's going on today. We, as a family (the country) are killing each other. Why? Because people are getting a hold of the things they aren't going to behave with. Just like Karla Saldana said in her last post, Americans are very irresponsible and that is why My opinion is gun control should have more regulations. We should have guns to protect, not kill.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion there should be certain restrictions relating to guns such as caliber, class, etc., this enables adequate control over firearms. I believe that every American Citizen in the right mind deserves the right to the possession of a firearm because everyone in this country is not a murderer. There should be a test given to all individuals before they can acquire a gun license as well as a firearm.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI agree with Omar about making sure individuals should be in their right mind in order to bare a gun. Some people my have clean records but but you never truly know what they're capable of until its to late. In being diagnosed, we can assure that the person is capable of owning a gun and using it for the purpose intended in the constitution.
Deleteim out. peace out q:)
I agree with Omar there should be more regulations when it comes to guns. By having more regulations, the 2nd Amendment is still satisfied while expanding the 2nd Amendment's meaning to fit the 21st century's problems.
DeleteAs many of my fellow peers agree with the fact that regulations should change for a rigorous yet more strict laws for the vanishing of violence. Not all violence will disappear right in an instance, but the percentage will lower due to the change for a better law. The lack of background revisions is one the causes such terrible situations are ocurring now in days. Now we cannot even step outside because we are secure of what is going to happen or what is in our surrounding. The right to bear arms is a priviledge, but some citizens take advantage. That is why regulations should be more strict.
ReplyDeleteI agree that background revisions are needed and that it could prevent not all future shootings but some.
DeleteI agree that we do not need gun control. However, seeing how recent tragedies have occurred because of guns we must try to put some restrictions. We should not ban the usage of assault rifles since most gun related events are caused by handguns. What we need to do is perform background checks on customers who want to purchase a gun. With this we are ensuring that someone who is responsible is accountable for their weapon.
ReplyDeleteI agree, guns should be restricted to people who can held responsible handling a weapon. They should check people's background for any criminal or psychological records they have. Handguns are a big issue since gangs and locals mostly own pistols it becomes a problem. And last, assault rifles or any high-powered weapons shouldn't be banned. It shouldn't be in the hands of a ill-minded person.
DeleteI believe in the right to bear arms, however many people interpret the 2nd amendment in many ways because the constitution doesn't state the clear meaning of the amendment. I believe people should have the right to have guns, but only for protection, as in to defend themselves from wild animals, burglars, terrorists, etc... The right to bear arms wasn't given to us to cause harm, but to prevent and protect ourseleves from any harm. I agree with my peers that a background check is needed in order to purchase guns, but there may be a situation in which a citizen with a clean background purchases a gun, and he or she uses that gun to kill another person, what then. A gun was sold to a person who wanted to kill another person, a background check is not enough to assure that the person buying the gun is a murderer, serious killer, assasin, etc... And because of situations like those I now believe weapons should not be sold to any american, no matter how clean their background may be. Weapons should remain only with the army, which was made to protect the united states.
ReplyDeleteI believe the gun control laws should have more restrictions, such as more in dept background checks or mentally ill people that aren't diagnosed. The government should set more regulations to make it harder for people to obtain guns. A citizen should be given the right to bare arms to protect himself and his family but only if he meets the requirements. The government has made it to easy for people to get a hold of weapons, eventually leading to guns falling in the wrong hands causing some kind of violence.
ReplyDeleteThis is blackjesus yo. peace out
aka jesus aguilar pd2 row 4 seat 5
The founding fathers didn't intended to bear arms with the thought of people freely killing each other. The right to bear arms is a source of protection, now should there be modern day rule changes sure ,but to take away someones second admendment would defeat the purpose of the bill of rights. Kind of saying we have the freedom of speech ,but our speech can't be to explicit. I believe in protecting yourself ,however this should only be as a last resort. I'm for the second admendment ,but am against changing the law state wide
ReplyDeleteI believe that guns should not be completely banned and the government should rather place more regulations on the type of guns sold publicly and who owns them. Completely banning guns would go against the unalienable rights guaranteed to American citizens by the Bill of Rights. The 2nd Amendment was created to create a sense of safety and protection for American citizens. However regarding the gun incidents lately, major controversy has risen about whether guns should be banned. I believe the government should create a balance between the purpose of the 2nd Amendment-protection and gun control in order to upkeep citizens' natural rights.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Guns are, as we all know, tools, but can be very dangerous when in the arms of people with intentions. Rather then it seeming like we can just own anything we want and fire anything we want, I believe that we should follow the rules, pass the tests, background checks, etc. in order to be trusted with lethal weapons by the government and by the public.
DeleteI think we should have the right to have arms Because is people killing people not guns . The people need a means to protect themselves. It is a constitutional right for a reason. All people who qualify to exercise that right should be able to. If we don’t protect our selves no one is going to. We need to have some precautions need to be undergone as to make this right slightly more exclusive. They are far too accessible now days; hence the increasing gun abuse related crimes. If there were more restrictions to being able to have a gun were presented the rate of crime should, although not cease completely, begin to decrease which is a start
ReplyDeleteI believe the gun laws should be changed. Most people look at using guns like it's nothing. Most of them don't care. Although, that doesnt mean we shouldnt have the right to bear arms, we should! Many people use guns for defense, as they should. The right to bear arms shouldnt be taken away for the people who are using that ability the corrct/legal way. Howeve at the same time the gun control laws should become more strict! & the consequences ahould be worse.
ReplyDeleteI agree with people using guns for defense. Gun control should be more strict and it should be harder to purchase a gun. Eventhough some people will rebel agaisnt a new gun law restricting gun use, either from people who have a permit or for people who do it illegally. It would cause the same chaos.
DeleteI agree with Tamera because guns should be allowed, but the government should have stricter laws. And I also agree with not taking away the 2nd Amendment, because there are some people that do use guns the legal way.
DeleteIn my opinion, the gun control regulations should be adjusted in a stricter way. The whole ordeal today is banning assault rifles right? Well, first off, I support the 2nd amendment. There are more uses for a gun than just killing people. Guns provide protection against harmful people. If people know that you have a gun in your house, the likelihood of theft is lower than those who don't have a gun in their homes. Also, guns offer recreation and sports. Take into consideration of those who live in forests or out in the middle of no where. The only way they could scavenge for food is through hunting. A rifle or shotgun would be a necessary weapon for protection, but also a way to provide food for some families. Although, I do support the 2nd amendment, I also think that banning assault rifles would be beneficial. Assault rifles should strictly be limited for military operations and training, not for the general public. Yes, even if they ban it, there would still be shootings. But I believe that all the shootings would decrease. There are lots of people who are against banning assault rifles when they don't even own one to begin with. What valid point does that make? Next, the government should amplify the punishments for those who are guilty of using assault rifles. In addition, there should be a tougher and more strict process of purchasing any firearm. My main point, guns are just tools until people get a hold of them. Then they turn into weapons. It's people who kill people. This whole situation would have a bigger resolution if solutions focused more on the people, rather than the firearms.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. We need to keep military weapons away from untrained citizens. But also, we need to understand that the second amendment was written more than two hundred years ago and needs to be updated to fit the conditions of the twentieth first century. Also, most people in the country agree that we need more regulations and stricter gun control. The people should not have to see all these killings simply because a few are ignorant and paranoid the government will take away their guns.
DeleteI agree with you. Gun control regulations should be adjusted in a stricter way making harder to obtain a gun.
DeleteI believe that gun control laws should be regulated and created in each state as they deem fit. My personal view is that we should have the right to bear arms, BUT other citezens in the U.S. have different views. So an overall law liked by all will never exsist because the two view are exact opossites of each other. People should have the right, and option to bear arms if they please as a protection option. The bad thing about this is that guns can be used for many illegal things such as robbery, mauder, scuicide, ect. I think that there should be a system in place to test, and limit, a customers mental and emotional capability before they are sold a gun.
ReplyDeleteI believe in the second amendment. People should continue to have the right to bear arms because guns help protect people it can be used for hunting, and shooting is a sport (it's in the Olympics). However I do believe that stricter laws on obtaining guns can help limit violence. Medical and criminal background checks as well as bans on certain assault rifles will protect people from those unfit. We have to change the amendment to fit our lives today because the meaning is very different from when our founding fathers wrote it. I also believe that flat out banning guns altogether will back fire. It will pave the way for more illegal guns just like prohibition resulted in more crime and smuggling.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Stephanie on having to imply the strict laws along with the medical/background checks. It is the people who kill, not the gun. Thus, the people are the ones who should be regulated/controlled. Also, I agree that the 2nd Amendment should be amended to fit the the 21st century, not the 18th.
DeleteI agree with Stephanie on most of her comment. I highly support that the Laws should be arranged to fit the lives that we live today, full of mentally incapable people and violence. They need to be strict in limiting what is capable in society nowadays. I also agree in that taking something away will just lead to illegal smuggling and obtaining a gun would be greatly sought by many. There would be more controversy and backfire in this society.
DeleteIn my opinion, changing the gun laws state-wide won't make a difference. Many people theses days already lost to their government years ago. Besides, the Consititution states it is the peoples' right to bear arms since the founding of the United States. If they manage to ban weapons from the state, it'll make the public roit on the streets. For example, When the Government prohibited alcohal back in the 1920's, many criminals and gangs tried to smuggle it from other countries or amking thier own called moonshine in which it succeded. If either the state or national government tried to prohibit guns and other similar weaponry, many people will resort to making their own. Weapons are also part of our economy. The National Rifle Association sponsers many politicians and they gain mos of thier money from them. With all of the facts I have provided, there is just no way the government can limit or prohibit guns in the states.
ReplyDeleteIn my personal opinion gun control should be a little harder on people looking into getting guns, such as a more thorough background check. However, aside this fact I am a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment I believe that a much more thorough background check should be proposed. Making guns illegal will really cause a major riot which would cause even more trouble with guns then there already is. The right to bear arms is in the constitution so I believe that a right like can’t be changed now. Guns are way more than just a weapon for some people, a gun for some people can literally be their best friend. Many people use it as a way of feeling sane and help them feel safe in their safe haven (house). Another way of helping with this instead of banning them is having clips with a smaller capacity of bullets that it can hold.
ReplyDeleteI believe that gun control laws should not be changed state wide. I just think that it should be more difficult for an individual to accure a gun. There should be more restrictions for buying a gun arm. It is not fair that because of the actions of cartain individuals, a whole state must suffer. I do support the 2nd Amendment strongly. Americans should have the right to bear arms. Guns can honestly save someone's life. What if someone were to come into your house? You have to defend yourself and your belongings. If you are responsible, you will use a gun for the right reason, not as a toy. Honestly i think that changing the laws would not make any sort of sense or difference. People would still act inconsiderably.
ReplyDeleteI can honestly say that I am indifferent on the subject. Controlling guns at any level is a hard task for the government. I think that it is not the guns but the people that should be controlled. Clearly those people who have committed mass murder through shootings are mentally sick. It is even more sick when they are sane, thus the term sociopath. At the en of the day, however, the right to bear arms was written in a different era where weaponry was not as massively produced, and in an era that some believe to be irrelevant today. And today, the black market and other illegal sources of deadly weapons are only adding logs to the fire. Therefore, I think that perhaps it is just a matter of regulating the process of acquiring a gun, and of heavy background and psychological checks on buyers.
ReplyDeleteI do believe in the right to bear arms, but i also believe that there should be certain restrictions relating to owning a gun because over the time and recently people have abused the power given to them. I also believe that because we are the "United" States of America if we need to pass laws they should be equal and should apply to all states. I understand that enforcing the restrictions of guns will contradict the 4th,but as i said before people have taken advantage of it and something needs to be done.
ReplyDeletei believe in the right to bear arms, because i believe that people should be able to protect themselves. but there should be more regulations on who can obtain a weapon. there should some kind of test showing that the person trying to get a gun would be responsible enough to get it. a person with a mental illness should not be able to get a gun no matter what they say. they wouldnt be able to handle the resposibility and the mind set of having a deadly weapon. many people die due the fact that many people have the wrong mind set of carrying a weapon.
ReplyDeleteTaking away our 2nd amendment would probably be the most idiotic thing to be done. If guns are banned, we might as well ban knives, pencils, scissors, and any other type of object that can cause harm. It's not the guns or weapons, it's all on the person. If they really want to cause harm, they can easily find a way. With that said, I believe the gun laws are fine the way they are now. If we even banned certain guns, this opens up another whole illegal trafficking market. Guns are already out in the world, just because they're said to be "illegal" will literally mean nothing. I also think that background checks cannot be helpful in every situation either because people can turn their lives around for better and I speak from witnessing this myself. Everyone can keep pointing fingers, but in the end, the government would have no say in who can obtain guns and what harm can be caused even without guns.
ReplyDeleteThis is in reply to everyone talking about background checks. Not specifically to every person with a bad history, but just because they did something wrong in the past doesn't show who they are at the present time (also depending on the crime). You cannot claim them to be a criminal all their life. Along with the checks of being "mentally ill" make no sense. Of course guns aren't being giving to the mentally ill. The point of this are the shootings going on, these people sure were smart in what they were doing and handy with the guns in their hand. What type of test can even be given out? These people obviously won't show what they're going to do with the guns or show they're "insane".
ReplyDeletei agree with you a 100% there is no way to tell what a person might or might do in the future. Not everyone who wants to do harm can be identified they could be you're average good samaritan until one day they snap. There is no test in the world that could be given to see if a person is fit to hold a gun or not for the rest of their lives.
DeleteI believe that the 2nd amendment is one of the most important amendments that we have. It allows us to have the power to protect ourselves from people who want to do harm to us. I think that the laws that we have now are perfectly fine. Adding gun control laws is idiotic and will do nothing to solve the problem of shootings. Guns do not kill people, people kill people guns are not the problem here people are. Adding restriction would do nothing to change what is going on if at all it would cause more harm than good. it would make way for illegal gun trafficking adding another problem to our plate.
ReplyDeleteI agree that more problems will arise due to such outlaws. Particularly, it endangers unarmed civilians from potentially heavily armed criminals.
Deletei do believe that the right to bear arms is a good thing but on one hand its really so much on gun control that we need its idiot control because at the end of the day no matter how hard you press on gun restrictions and try to limit who gets said fire arm there is always going to be that dark alley around the corner, but that doesn't mean we should ban all together because that fire arm is really the thin line between life and death sometimes. Gun control can be more restricted as to the steps on how said gun is received but its always going to be a sketchy topic on both ends.
ReplyDeletei completely agree with you john i also feel that the security is put at risk due to bad procedure done at mac and that steps should be taken to strengthen the schools security.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the states should change their policies towards Gun control and Ownership, but the states reform policy should not, under any circumstances, be taken to the extreme point where we lose our 2nd right. This would cause citizens and other people to be irritated by such an act and it would cause to much turmoil.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I think that if the right to carry a gun is eliminated it would only create a bigger problem.
DeleteI would say causeing many high caliber gun to be illegal just isn't needed now or ever. What should be done it an exam to see if that person is mentally ready to hold a weapon or not. Yet again most people who do end up killing others.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the high caliber rifle part , but low caliber weapons are smaller and easier to conceal. The exam would be good , but some people might get mad about it.
DeleteI agree that a test should be done to see if they are mentally ready to use a gun, but i also believe that they should have more laws to limit the selling of high caliber guns.
DeleteI do not think gun control law should be changed. Gun stores should be more strict about what kind of weapons they sell and who they sell it too. The only reason some people buy weapons is to go hunt animals. They should make more hunting weapons because they are hard to be concealed. The problem is the pistols and the small machine guns made. Phones weapons are very easy to be hidden. They should stop making small weapons and make bigger weapons. It will be easier to notice it.
ReplyDeleteGun controll should be changed state wide in my opinion. All states should be strict on who buys a firearm and for what reason. I believe that anyone who has a clean record and doesn't have any mental issues should be allowed to purchase a gun. Those who have even the smallest criminal record shouldn't have a firearm in possetion specially if they have a mental issue because it seems like in todays world everyone that has done harm so far and taken lives seems to have issues mentally. Maybe that's what people use as the excuse but still should be one for taking innocent lives and that's why rules should be stricter on buying a firearm in any state around. I do believe in the right to bear arms but only to a certain extent. Not all should have the power to carry a fire weapon. Only those who are lisenced with no criminal record and no mental issues like I said before.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with you that states should be strict on for what reason a person buys a firearm for. This will lead to having a lot of paper work being done for buying a gun for hunting, sport, or self defense.
DeleteI believe that law on guns should not change. I'd rather change the laws on how to acquire one. I'm not saying it should me more strict, just that we need to change it to make sure tat the wrong people don't get their hands on them. Also I think that parents should never allow their kids to know that they have a gun in the house and that they should be kept safe, never loaded, and out of sight. I don't believe that anyone with a mental issues should be allowed to own or use a gun. Opening more programs for gun safety wouldn't hurt either. I strongly believe in the right to bear arms. Every American should be able to own a gun but criminals with serious offenses shouldn't.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the part of parents not letting their children know because if a small child gets a hold of it, it can have a bad outcome.
Deletei agree with what you mentioned on the gun safety programs. I believe that by educating people more about guns they can know the pros and cons about firearms.
DeleteI believe that the rules for obtaining a fire arm should be changed. There must be a background check, medical record check, drug test, etc. And if the individual has a minor offenses and has done no time should have a psychological examination before purchasing a fire arm. As for assault rifles, however, there should be tracking on military grade firearms such as those. Just because one passes all the necessary criteria doesn't mean it could fall into the wrong hands.
ReplyDeleteI think the laws should change instead of just completely stopping it. There should be different requirements. If they have some history from holding a weapon they should not be able to own one. It will decrease crimes and help people feel safer in public places.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, they can't take our right to bear arms, but the government can make it harder to purchase a gun for people that aren't responsible with it. It will certainly make our states more safer.
DeleteYes, I believe that gun control laws should change state wide. We should still be able to own guns, but the government needs to make it more difficult for people to purchase them. For example,the consumer would have to present a background check and a mental analysis to be able to purchase a gun.I think by having more strict rules on guns its going to prevent chaos and disasters, like in sandy hook or lone star; also help save life's that can be lost.
ReplyDeleteThe right to bear arms shouldn't change. Owning a gun protects people from any sort of harm. Even though guns are dangerous depending on the sort of people who own them, it is why they shouldnt fall into the wrong hands. So instead, the government should enforce other sorts of laws that will require a person to possess a gun a bit more difficult. To now possess a gun, a person should be required to take a variety of tests to determine whether they are mentally capable or have no major criminal background. If not, then they can not and should not become able to own a gun whatsoever. If one is able to, then that person should be responsible enough to keep it away from someone who is not mentally stable and could cause a serious danger. In all, the right to bear arms should stay, but also include certain details that will lower the chances of innocent lives being taken away.
ReplyDeleteI agree with gumby(nancy) gun laws should be enforced more largely rather than just make laws that try to restrict guns from the public. Some of the laws that we already have are working but they are no laws that require mental checks or the stability of the person.
DeleteI believe gun control laws should not change, because one should have the right to protect themselves and their family. We should have the right to bear arms. Guns don't kell people, people do. I do believe that it should be harder for people to get a license. For example,the person trying to purchase a gun would get a background check, and check for any mental disorders. Also, if guns were to be prohibited, people would still find a way to get one and take advantage of it.
ReplyDeleteI believe that gun control should change statewide. We should still be able to own guns in order for us to protect ourselves and our families, but only to a certain extent. The national government should implicate stricter requirements and thorough background checks to anyone who wants to own a gun. Because tragic massacres have been occurring lately and they should be put halt. Therefore, by implementing more demanding rules, then violence being committed would not be increasing at such a high rate.
ReplyDeleteI think that Gun control laws should be changed in order to make it more difficult for people to buy guns.They should make a background check for people who want to buy these weapons and a medical examination of how stable they are mentally.
ReplyDeleteI do believe in the right to bear arms because we should be able to protect ourselves and our families from any one that wants to harm us.
I agree with Alvaro but at the same time kids are already getting a hold of illegal weapons. Stolen weapons are commonly used in robberies and then sold off to someone else to remove themselves from the ownership of the weapon. There will always be a way to play the system if there is money involved people will find their way to make their money.
DeleteIn my personal opinion guns are something that was created by man. So why is man all of a sudden trying to change this system of firearms being made. If firearms would be to be removed from the population nation or even worldwide man has the resources to make them again. It’s something mankind is going to have to deal with. The government can’t control someone internally and know what people are going to do. People are different in every kind of way there is not one person alive that will have the exact same mentality as someone else. People do their own thing people wake up every day not knowing what the future holds for them. So I believe that just because people are being killed it is not probable cause enough to remove guns from people’s homes, and humans are going to die one day regardless no one has eternal life. For this reason of not knowing what people are thinking and what they’re going to do I do believe in the right to bear arms people have to be able to protect themselves some way. Guns were made by humans to be operated by humans’ weapons never hurt anybody it’s the person behind the weapon that causes bodily harm and the misuse of them.
ReplyDeleteI personally believe in the right to bear arms, having just turned 18, I myself would like to get a gun license and all that good stuff. However, I do believe there should be more regulations and restrictions on owning a gun as well as on who can obtain a gun. In light of recent events, it only makes sense to create regulations in attempt to control the amount of violence caused by the misuse of guns.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you Victoria, there is definitely a need for an increase in regulations over guns. If this country wishes to decrease the incidents revolving around firearms they must implement more rules and make the process in which a person acquires weapons more difficult.
DeleteI do believe that people have the right to carry a gun to protect themselves. But with the tragedies that have ocurred in the last few months I also think that the authorities should change the laws relating to the gun control. There is no reason to take them out of the market, but it is necessary to put stronger requirements for people who want to obtain a firearm . For example besides the background check, authorities also need to perform medicals test to be sure that the person that want to buy a firearm is in good mental health. Doing this may be the good thing that can return the safety to our country.
ReplyDeleteGun control needs to simply become stricter, the requirements to own a gun should make it difficult for people to get their hands on one. Clearly people are misuising guns and taking advantage of our right to bear arms so things such as background checks, psychiatric evaluations, and gun safety classes should be made mandatory before a person has the right to own a gun. I think just putting more restrictions and actually enforcing them would make a huge difference.
ReplyDeleteI both agree and disagree with your proposal on gun control. I do think the government should do a better job of enforcing the already set control and I agree that such actions such as psychiatric evaluations should be given as well as gun safety. However, I do not believe that the already set gun control should be any stricter.
DeleteI agree with Yelitza to a certain extent. I believe people are misusing guns and taking advantage of their rights. However I disagree with her proposal on stricter restrictions. I think those restrictions should take place however they should not be available to everyone, except those extremely qualified like police officers and those in our military.
DeleteI agree with you Yelitza , People are taking advantage of our second amendment. Our founding fathers simply meant that we , as citizens, have the right to protect ourselves. We shouldn't ban the owning of a weapon, so i do agree we must become stricter. i believe you're methods of setting limits on owning a gun with improve the situation. Background checks will make certain that those who want to purchase a weapon, meet certain standards and have not had a violent past or police record. Psychiatric evaluations will help make sure that people are healthy and mentally able to own a firearm. and lastly, gun safety classes will prove that the buyer is prepared and knows how to handle the firearm to prevent any accidents. These suggestions help decrease gun related crimes, therefore, I completely agree with you on making gun control stricter.
DeleteI believe there should be a process that should be implemented in purchasing firearms. Sure we have background checks, but many gun retailers aren't doing them extensively or not checking at all. However, I believe that we need to have more than just a "check" but a process in which an individual will have to go through in order to obtain a firearm. The American public will always love their guns, so any means to keep them to purchase any firearms is merely impossible. I don't think the states should be stricter nor looser on the subject of gun "control." Though I do believe that the government should be more attentive with who is buying what,such seen as a employee of a grocery store closely checking inventory. I do believe that the public should bear arms, for its original purpose of revolting against the government if need be. Even though the constitution is a document that dictates power between state and the three branches of government. The constitution also gives the fourth branch of government power to over rule the other three. The fourth branch of government is define within the preamble stating, "We, the people of the United States..."
ReplyDeleteI believe that more regulations should be started up so that guns are not so easily acquire. The banning of assault rifles I would not agree on, I would say that there should be higher regulations to get them and also a specific place in which they can be used. I do believe in the second amendment and my guess would be that when the founding fathers said that we had the right to bear arms mostly for the purpose that we may defend ourselves or the country in case of any foreign invasion.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. Things have changed alot since those times and now people need to be watched more. It would be safer if there were more places like gun ranges where people could use the guns without taking them out into society where they could decide to do something risky. Banning guns completely could create an outrage and it wouldn't be hard to get control of people once you take of their rights away.
DeleteI believe everyone should have the right to posses and carry firearms. However, there should be laws passed and regulations one must go through to posses a gun. I don't believe everyone misuses the right to bear arms. The media frames the gun control topic and people believe everything being said. Viewers of news channels believe that every shooting is caused by shooters who have easy access to guns. But it's more on the person themself. So my view is that accessing firearms should be treated very crucially and strictly then it is now.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ceci, the shootings are caused by the person having personal issues not because of the gun itself. Guns just don't shoot themselves, some people just shouldn't have guns. They should make restrictions for this.
DeleteI very strongly and firmly agree with the 2nd amendment. People should have the right to have a gun, the only thing i think would help would be to add a test to the process of a getting a gun. They already do background checks on the person buying a gun, so i dont why people are saying to get a background check. On a onther note what is a medical check going to do? What does a persons state of health have to do with him being able tp buy a gun? I believe the other test that should be added to the process is a psychiatric test, to see if the person is adequate to own a firearm.
ReplyDeleteI believe gun laws should change. Being a republican state, we tend to be very conservative, but we sure do love our guns. I think this is an outrage. Although many people will not agree with me, I believe guns should not be made available to just anyone. Most people believe that their should be stricter requirements to getting a gun, but I think otherwise. I believe the typical citizen should not have a gun. Too many "accidents" and most importantly tragedies have occurred in which innocent people have been injured and killed. I believe we should stop this completely. I still believe police officers and the army and such should have guns but only after undergoing proper gun training. It is time that we stop hurting innocent people just simply because of our selfishness or because we suddenly become angered. It is unfair to those around us and the families of those we end up hurting or killing.
ReplyDeleteI dis agree with sandra because if you regulate guns and only give them to certain people or hardly nobody at all. People can easily buy guns from somebody off of the streets. If that happens its going to be a lot more crime and easier for people to rob other people knowing that nothing can happen to them because all the guns have been outlawed and banned.
DeleteI strongly disagree with Sandra due to the fact she stated,” I believe the typical citizen should not have a gun.” In my opinion that is a problem that not everyone can protect their family. So if everyone is not allowed to have guns anymore that would mean citizens would have to give up their guns that they already have. Who’s going to pay them back the money they spent on them? Because guns are prices are expensive. The only citizens who would give up their guns would be the law abiding citizens and the crooks who are up to no good would keep them making it even MORE unsafe for the INNOCENT people you’re trying to protect Sandra.
DeleteGun control laws should not be changed state wide due to the importance they are to the economy with the sell of these weapons and by keeping the safety in society as well. Yes, there is a plethora of problems that arises with people just having the capability of having a gun under control, but the guns aren't really the problem. The problem is mainly the mind of the people in this society. I believe that only certain people have the right to bear arms. There is always a need for common innocent citizens to be protected, and for reliable people then they should be able to own some sort of gun. There needs to be a regulation for really good check on people’s background, mental state, and true intentions with an arm. Gun controls laws are of great benefit to this society, but true management needs to be more efficient.
ReplyDeleteI agree with raul that guns do protect the innocent from the dangers of the world and provide a safer place for citizens to live in and that guns need to be maintained better so that people wont get hurt.
DeleteI believe we need to not only enforce our already set regulations regarding gun control but also introduce stricter regulations such as a background check when purchasing a gun, a continuing national data base of every gun purchase, a training and a test to see if the purchaser can use a gun accurately and safely, like the process people are subjected when taking out a driving licence, and a mental health test. On banning assault rifles, I agree that people should be able to defend themselves yet military weapons such as these in the hands of civilians are not needed. The purpose of these guns is not to hunt but to kill people in a war zone.
ReplyDeletewe need to change the law and make it stricter about what type of guns are allowed for civilins.assult riffles are not needed for slef protection but in the end no matter what restrictions we place we still need to get to understand our fellow man better in order to stop acts of violence from occuring.
ReplyDeleteI believe that US citizens that wants to buy a gun should go through a program where they are educated on how to use a gun properly and for the right reasons. Also they will have to get a background check.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ricardo because many people who obtain guns do not know how to use them properly. So classes to teach them would greatly come in handy.
DeleteFirst off i do believe in the second amendment the right to bear arms. I rather be caught with having a gun rather than not having one. There is a lot of crazy people in the world, and i would like to be able to protect myself against someone else that has a gun too. Trying to change state laws on gun control, and trying to banned all semi auto matic weapons is crazy. Guns are like drugs, no matter how hard we try to stop them people on the streets are always going to have them. The second amendment doesnt explain to a great extent on what does it mean to the right to bear arms. If anything needs to be changing for the safety of everyone; the second amendment should or even be re written. The amendment should go into detail on what guns people should be able to have and protect themselves with. They cant just ban guns in the states without at least changing the amendment because than the government is just taking away one of our rights.
ReplyDeleteDarius has the same point I have, no matter how hard we try and weed out the people who are intending bad things, violence will always be in existence. Allowing people the right to protect themselves against these threats will at least give us a chance if one of these tragedies took place in our presence.
DeleteI agree with Darius because i want to be able to protect myself when i feel as if i am trying to be harmed. And because of all the people out there using these weapons in violent ways shouldn't effect me as an individual trying to protect my self.
DeleteI believe in the right to bear arms. There's a reason why our founding fathers wrote that in the constitution for us to have. I don't think they should take that right away from us just because of stupid decisions people make. Banning guns will just make this country bad and miserable. I believe there would be more violence because people will try getting guns illegaly. I think gun laws should be more restricting on who is able to obtain guns. They should make it a bit harder for people to access them but not completely impossible. The government shouldn't take away our rights, just reenforce them. Banning them will cause problems.
ReplyDeleteI too believe that we the people have the right to bear arms in order to protect ourselfs, but when the founding fathers wrote it in the constitution i dont think that they could have meant high caliber rifles with a large capacity mag that could easily mow down a group of people. Im not saying that they should outright ban weapons, i just think that they should have more measures when selling a weapon
ReplyDeleteI believe in the second amendment, the right to bear arms. However, i do think getting a gun should be much harder so not just anyone can get one. I believe if guns were at a much higher price and obtaining a gun license was way harder, less people would have them. Also, i think in order to recieve a gun, people should undergo a full background check.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what you are saying. I feel that we should be willing to become much more strict with the requirements needed to obtain and posses a gun. Requirements such as gun licenses and permits should be made difficult to acquire. Also increasing gun cost and a full background check, I feel, would aid to ensure that not just anyone can obtain a gun but yet still have equal opportunity to acquire one.
Deletei strongly believe in the right to bear arms because we have the right to have our own arms for our protection. But there is some people who don't use these weapons to protect them but to harm others. Guns don't hurt people, the person holding the trigger is the one hurting the other person. i believe that they should make buying a gun a bit more harder because now a days, anybody can buy a gun. i think that they should be more strictly on purchasing a gun. The guns were made to protect people from those who wanna hurt them, they were never made to hurt people, but there is a lot of crazy people out there that wanna hurt others.
ReplyDeleteAlthough stricter gun laws will assist in weeding out some applicants who aren't mentally fit, there will always be cases that couldn't be avoided. Like the Sandy Hook shooting, that man never applied for a gun license, he just knew someone who had a gun. His mental problems never raised a flag. The only way to effectively stop these mass shootings and horrible tragedies is to outlaw guns completely. However, that would never happen. State wide, I believe that our gun laws are strict, and making them any stricter wouldn't do much in my opinion. Because there is no way to fully stop gun violence, i do believe in the right to bear arms. By definition, it is the right to protect ourselves. We all know they aren't always used for that reason, but if we weren't allowed to have guns, when there was a situation in which someones life is at risk, we wouldn't be able to protect ourselves.
ReplyDeleteI do think that people have the right to bear arms. Even though there are out there that use them for the wrong reasons doesn't give the right to take them away from those that use guns the right way. Now making stricter process in getting a licensed weapon To make sure that the people getting weapons have no bad recent history with a gun. So those owning a gun for protection are not affected by others with vilent intentions. But still a gun doesnt make a violent person because they are stil violent with or without one. So making weapons ahrder to get would be a step forward in reducing the chances of incidents involved with guns.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the right to bear arms is necessary. Gun control has been a bit out of hand concerning the sandy hook shooting and the aurora shooting but the U.S needs to be stricter on who they are selling guns to. That means enforcing background checks and other information necessary to determine whether this person is capable of holding a gun. Also i blame those shootings on lack of security because you never see big cities being attacked like that. So i believe that isolated locations need to improve in their security to help prevent killings like these. We cant stop crazy people from doing crazy stuff but we can prevent it from happening like this.
ReplyDeleteMore people die each year to sicknesses, knives, or other weapons, etc, than to guns. A gun does not kill a person a person kills a person. A law only effects the ones who follow it. This mainly means that even if you take away the guns the felons will still have access to guns no matter what. Crime will most likely get worse since no one will have the protection they need. (if they take away gun control.) Law enforcement will have to double time in order to keep up with the crime. More murders may happen since people may not have the protection they need. The felonies that people commit is for a reason. Like i have stated before, even if you take away the guns the only people who will be affected are the ones who follow the law, not the ones who you think are going to do something bad. So yes I believe in the right to bear arms.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Rachel if guns are taken away criminals now have an even greater advantage over law abiding citizens since the law abiding citizens can't protect themselves and yes people kill and murder each other innocently guns just happen to be the weapon in the person who killed the other with many believe and say it the guns get rid of guns but you don't see so many people complaining about cars which kill thousands a year and are just as violent as guns the right to bear arms was given to the american people for a reason because even the founding fathers found having the right to have a gun is important and it is.
DeleteI agree with Rachel with people kill people, just happens to be that they use a gun to hurt each other. Cops would have to work harder, but doesn't mean they would succeed in keeping the people safe. Sometimes the people take better care of themselves than the law since they take forever to get to a scene.
DeleteThe best way to prevent all of this from getting anymore out of hand is too set more rules on who can use guns. Too many of our people are against the whole banning of gun use and there's no way they will give up on it anytime soon. Precautions do need to be taken to see if the person purchasing the gun(s) is mentally stable. However, things do happen and life does change for some people. We can never truely know when someone is going to just CLICK and go off on society because of what has happened to them. We will probably never find a good enough solution to this dilema due to the different views our government has from our own. There will always be continuous friction on this topic if changes are going to be made, but like I said, all we can do is add some more rules to who can have access to the guns.
ReplyDeleteThere are many accidents caused by other weapons that aren't guns so do we ban those items also? My opinion is that we shouldn't change the gun law. If our country founders thought it was so necessary to add it into the Bill of Rights and Constitution then it was needed. Changing something that been there for hundreds of years then let it be. If we changed the law then who'd take the guns? What would they do with the guns? How would we know if everyone gave up their guns up?
ReplyDeleteThe only people who will give up their guns would be law abiding citizens and the crooks who are up to no good would keep them and use them against the people who follow the rules. Which the people who followed the rules would only suffer for the idiots in our country.
I agree that not only would taking the guns away be a problem but that the process of depriving citizens of their weapons would pose an even bigger dilemma. Especially in Texas where we take pride in owning guns.
DeleteI think that if the government takes away the right to bear arms the situation will just get worse. People will still try to find a way to get a gun. Instead I think that if someone wants to get a gun they should only use it for life or death situations. A gun is not a toy and therefore should not be sold to just anyone. There should be test to prove that the person wanting to own a gun is not mental.
ReplyDeleteI do not think that gun control should be changed state wide. If we did change it that would actually hurt ourselves because we would not be able to defend ourselves as effectively as possible. Criminals are always going to be able to get a hold of guns, so changing the gun laws would not do the state or nation any good
ReplyDeleteAlthough I agree with the fact people need to protect themselves, but let's not allow people the power to level anywhere from between a school to a city. Guns and gunholders need limitations so we don't enable the wicked for some advancement. So, to an extent, gun control laws are necessary, however, we mustn't reach extremities.
DeleteGuns and ammunition have been taxed heavily due to the president wanting to restrict guns from his first term. Laws against guns harm the average Joe who abides by them and goes through all the procedures to acquire a gun and the skills necessary to protect things dear to that person. Guns are meant to protect laws such as the 7 bullet rule will harm people and murders by guns will raise do to this because burglars and other people who choose to break the law will carry more than the amount that one should have and home owners and law abiding citizens will be harmed more in this situation. I believe that Americans have the right to bear arms however i feel reform and ways to obtain a weapon should be met to even obtain a weapon. In a way i think like cars in order for people to drive they must pass a series of test to obtain a permit and be a certain age to by and be qualified to drive a similar action should be carried out for guns so only the qualified and licences guns man can obtain such a deadly weapon. With each state implementing a piece of the puzzle there should be some type of gun reform so that both citizens can have the right to protect themselves and stop criminals and non law abiding citizens.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree Roy, guns are even more dangerous that cars so why not hold it to a standard and only allow people that pass a test of sort be able to attain such weapon. There are too many people out with guns that make me scratch my head and ask who would give something so deadly to this idiot, they are the real criminals.
DeleteI believe in the right to bear arms but I also believe that some people should not be allow to even hold a gun. Everybody has the right to buy a gun when they don't feel safe and want to protect themselves and family. Many innocent people are being kill by sick people who are misusing the guns. That's why I believe the law should make it harder to buy a gun by making stricter medical and criminal background check. Banning the use of guns will not solve the problem, but only leave many people unprotected and more vulnerable.
ReplyDeleteIn the first place, this is a very hot topic, gun control laws shouldn’t just be changed state wide, nationwide, but worldwide. These gun crimes going on recently have gone out of control. I believe that there should be a very strict policy regarding the selling and buying of guns. Something has to be drastically done in order for things to change. Contraband of firearms is a serious business amongst many countries, and this is something that many Americans don’t see as a serious issue that should be on top of our nation’s agenda. Like seriously, how many more Virginia tech’s or Columbine’s is it going to take for the government (big brother) to put an end to all these incidents going on nationwide? I do believe that we should have the right to bear arms because it gives us that sense of self-defense towards ourselves. We as humans have that urge to defend things at all cost, and that’s something that makes us all human. It’s not really the guns that kill people like everybody says; it’s not the bullet that kills the person either. It’s the person behind the gun shooting it that makes a rational decision to either take a life or save it. Regardless of how you might put it, at the end of the day, humans are still the ones creating the bullets.
ReplyDeleteOf course gun control laws have to be implemented in the states. The big brother has given the people too much freedom when it comes to firearms. Yes we as people want all the liberty and freedom we can get but once the a bad group of citizens abuse the privilege something has to give. Yes, I am a firm believer in the right to bear arms but to a modern day extent. Everyone should have the right to have a weapon in case of an emergency but that doesn't mean, " oh, lets go buy all these guns and start a shootout with the neighbors". That is not what the founding fathers envisioned when writing the 2nd amendment. However times have change drastically and now just about any idiot can get there little hands on guns. I believe the higher caliber guns should be band because why would a regular, ordinary citizen need one. "Sasquatch" I don't think so. The market should only be able to sell reasonable guns like the ones used for hunting, we don't need people running around with high caliber semi-automatic rifles. If America wants to get wacky why doesn't the government do the same and rise the prices on guns and ammunition. They can also heavily fine people caught owning a gun without a license. We as Americans truly need and value the right to bear arms, however a new time calls for a new change.
ReplyDeleteGun control laws should definitely be implemented into our society's rule book, however, outlawing them completely will not solve anything. So with that said, gun control should be state wide in the sense that the local communities should determine the availability of guns with the community. Personally, I would keep the previous laws as is, just assure that mass homicide case weapons aren't amongst the approved guns list. The right to bear arms is without a doubt a right we must embrace because the "strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
ReplyDeleteI believe in the right to bear arms because there should be a way people can protect themselves. I don’t believe that by taking guns away people would be safer because the insane would always find a way to harm others. Even without guns there are sharp objects everywhere that in the hands of the wrong person could hurt someone. What could be done is having a strict policy like having to take classes, background check of any crimes or a mental sickness. If people were to get a hold of a gun illegally, the purchases of bullets could be made stricter. Make sure the person who is buying the bullets is licensed and the stores keep a record of how many bullets were bought, but taking guns away is not the solution.
ReplyDeleteI believe in the purpose behind the 2nd amendment and not necessarily with what the amendments states. I believe people should have the right to protect themselves in dangerous or threatening situations. I believe we should have the right to a means of safety, a feeling of security; the power to protect. That is what the 2nd amendment gives us, or at least what we hope to believe the 2nd amendment gives us. However, the truth is the right to bear arms gives us this sense of protection in a manner that can be easily abused, manipulated, twisted, and corrupted to cause undoubtedly terrible acts of violence. For this reason, and also simply because guns have already integrated into many households of United State citizens and the modern day society we live in; ultimately forsaking any chance that we as a society could ever completely do away with guns, I believe that gun control laws should be changed state wide. Many states currently enforce gun control laws that require for a person to obtain a license or permit in order to purchase or possess firearms. Other states require that individual firearms to be registered with the police or with another law enforcement agency. Another gun control law places restrictions on certain semi-automatic firearms that can hold more than a certain number of rounds of ammunition. And yet, gun violence is still a common occurrence in our society. Statistics show that in the year 2005 11,346 people were killed by gun violence and 477,040 people were victims of crimes that involved the use of a gun. Add that with the most recent gun related tragedies that have struck this nation with in the past year alone and that itself is reason alone to change gun control laws state wide.
ReplyDeleteGun control should remain in a matter of federal concern and not state, as each state will have their own opinion also including the people composing the state (religion, race, political affiliation, etc.) I do believe in the right to bear arms and I also believe the government shouldn't just hand out licences to anyone that is above a certain age, is able to pay a fee and pass a test to obtain a firearm. We should put more restrictions on those who are allowed to have the right to bear arms especially civilians... if they're mentally adequate. Of course anyone that is a veteran or serving should be able to have the right to bear arms because they have the training and understand the consequences. Overall unless it's for sport, civilians should be restricted to a vigorous psychological examination before obtaining a firearm.
ReplyDeleteTo a certain extent I believe that gun control laws should be changed statewide. I also believe in the right to bear arms. Sure there should be a stricter process as into how the guns are distributed but banning them won't help anything. Guns bring a safe state of mind to those who own them. Guns don't kill people, stupid people with guns do! Guns should only be sold to those who are licensed to carry one.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Damien on the right to bear arms is something we should protect but also with the idea of a stricter process on gun distribution. I support his belif on guns dont kill people; It's the people who are in possession on the guns who make stupid decisions and kill prople.
DeleteI believe in the right to bear arms, and I don't believe that right should be taken away. However, I do believe that gun control laws should be changed, a bit. I think it's too easy to get a hold of a gun. There should be a more than routine check ups when someone is purchasing a gun. For example, a person who wants to purchase a gun should not only be checked on their criminal record, but they should also check if they, or someone in their household who may have access to their gun, has any type of mental disorder or is suffering through depression. I believe it should be much more difficult for people to purchase guns, but they shouldn't be taken off the shelf. Not only would that be unconstitutional and drive the people into crazy riots, but it would also make people resort to illegal methods of getting a hold of guns.